
Saturday, February 27, 2016

Post One Thousand

This is my one thousandth post here on Hamlette's Soliloquy!  I've been trying to figure out something special for this post.  But I just finished a giveaway, my list of my favorite 100 movies isn't ready yet, and I did an AMA not all that long ago, so... what to do?

I've decided to just share some of my old headers with you, because I've had quite a few over the past couple of years that I liked a great deal.  So here we go, a trip down blog memory lane.

When I started this blog, way back in 2002, I had a completely different background, something with a lighthouse.  I just had my name across the top, no fancy header.  I switched to this red curtain background sometime around 2009, I think, figuring it was fitting for a blog named after something from stage plays, in which I discuss a lot of dramas and such.  But I just had my title up at the top with no images until September of 2014, when I changed it to this for my Piratical Blogathon:

September, 2014
Once I got a taste for creating headers, I started swapping them out pretty frequently.  I made this one for Christmas that year:

December, 2014

I soon changed it to this:

January, 2015

I only had that one for a couple of months, though, because I changed it to this while working on the Middle Earth Movie Meme:

April, 2015
Then I decided I really should have Hamlet on my header for a while, so I swapped it out for a shot of Jude Law in Hamlet on Broadway from back in 2009:

May, 2015
I changed it up again for Legends of Western Cinema Week:

July, 2015

I swapped that out for this Man from U.N.C.L.E.-themed header:

September, 2015

I liked that one so well, I didn't change my header until Christmas:

December, 2015
I created this one for Cinderella Week:

January, 2016

And, just for posterity, here's the one I have right now, which features all the regulars on Combat!, which I created for 1940's Week:

February, 2016
I don't plan on swapping this out any time soon, but you never know... I might join some blogathon or find something to celebrate or just find a picture I reeeeeeeeally like....

Anyway, I also want to say thank you to all my lovely blogging friends for reading my posts, commenting on them, and generally being swell pals.  Thank you!!!  I wouldn't have stuck with this for 13 1/2 years if it hadn't been for all of you.


  1. 1000 posts--WOOOOOOOAAAHH.

    That is AWESOME!!! Congratulations!!

    I love seeing all your headers! I think I have to say my favorite is the pirate one--which is funny, because I'm totally not a pirate-movie person. But it just looks very romantical, not to mention that the colors are super-cool. So yeah, I like it :-)

    1. Thanks, Jessica! It's kind of a staggering number. And the pirate one IS very striking, and romantical. It's from The Black Swan, if you're curious -- that's Tyrone Power and Maureen O'Hara.

  2. 1,000 is a biiiiiiiig number. ;-P Congratulations! Your blog is one of my top favorites and I hope you keep it up. Thank YOU for being such a great blogging friend!!!

    1. Emma Jane, it is, isn't it? Thank you for your kind words! I certainly intend to keep at it for the foreseeable future. And thank YOU for being a lovely blogging friend as well!

  3. CONGRATULATIONS!! ;) Ooh, what an accomplishment.... I can't hardly believe it. 1000 is just... like... HUGE. :)

    And heehee. For some funny reason, I didn't remember that you didn't have a header on here when I first started following you, but of course, I recognized all the ones you highlighted. ;D Headers are such positively splendiferous fun... :)

    1. Thanks, Heidi! What's even more mind-blowing is that I hit 900 only last June, so I've done the last hundred posts in less than a year. Yikes!

      Yup, I just had the blog title in grey words. I've had picture headers on The Edge of the Precipice ever since I started it, though. And yes, creating them is great fun!

  4. Congrats Hamlette!!! That is an amazing milestone! :D I love your Man From UNCLE header. I haven't even seen the movie yet, but I really like the look of that one. And the Jude Law one. Very dramatic. :D And great font choices on them too.

    Here's to the next thousand!

    1. Thanks, Sarah! As you might remember, I fell desperately in love with Man from UNCLE when it was in theaters, and I haven't really gotten over that yet.

      Choosing fonts is one of my favorite thing when designing banners and buttons :-D

  5. Awwww, 1000 posts is something to write about, that's for sure. Congrats and I love the headers!

    I just watched The Man from U.N.C.L.E. for the first time a few weeks back and really liked it. Armie Hammer is a cutie!

    1. Thanks, Carissa!

      Yes, Armie Hammer is a cutie. Absolutely. Never more so than in that movie. I quote his Illya a LOT.

  6. WOW. That is QUITE a number!!! Congratulations! :)

  7. Wow, one thousand posts! That is something to be proud of. :) And 13 1/2 years! *whistles* I don't know any other blog that's older than about 6 years. ;)
    Oh, and IS THAT CHRIS HEMSWORTH?!!! (If it isn't, that's embarrassing. :P) *swoons* I loved him off In the Heart of the Sea. :D
    ~Miss Meg

    1. Thanks, Miss Meg! I think the only blogger I know personally who has been at it as long as I have (or possibly longer) is DKoren, though she's blogged on both LiveJournal and Blogger and I've stuck with Blogger since the beginning.

      And YES! That is indeed Chris Hemsworth <3 I loved him in that too! Looking forward to seeing it again.

  8. 1000 posts!!! That is so amazing! And the fact that you've been blogging for almost 14 years. That's just so cool!

    Anyways, CONGRATULATIONS!! And very nice headers. I love the one with Rivendell on it! :) (Is that Rivendell? It kind of looks like it...)

    1. Thanks, Natalie! And yup, that's Rivendell. My favorite place in Middle Earth <3

  9. 1000 posts? Hot dog! That's so many kinds of awesome. :)

    I love how I've seen every one of these headers on your blog - I remember seeing the western one and recognising Lee Majors and not being able to believe that you liked him. (Because I thought he was kind of awful.) But now that I've watched The Big Valley, I share your appreciation wholeheartedly. :)

    1. Thanks, Eva! That's quite cool that you've been here longer than I've been doing picture headers!!!

      And yes, it's hard to understand the appeal of Lee Majors until you see him as Heath. Kind of like how it's really hard to get a picture of Vic Morrow that does him any kind of justice. You have to see them in action.

  10. Congratulations! I loved seeing all of your headers. I get addicted to stuff like that too. It's kind of like my digital scrapbooking. I literally do it when I should be doing other things like - cleaning and cooking. Yours all look great.

    1. Thanks, Jennifer :-) Digital scrapbooking seems dangerous -- I'm avoiding it so far, except that every year I make a Shutterfly book for my m-i-l of the highlights of the year so she can see lots of fun stuff our kids have done.

      But I sit around reading blogs and pinning stuff on Pinterest when I should be cleaning, so yeah... same problem.

  11. One thousand posts is a great milestone! And you sure chose an interesting topic to write about. I like your current header best, then my next favorite is Rivendell. And third is the other Middle Earth one.

    1. Thanks, Connie! I'm glad you enjoyed my little trip down memory lane :-)

  12. Wow! One thousand posts is amazing. But not surprising! Because your posts are always awesome, my friend! Even if it takes me a while to catch back up again, so then I bombard you with comments. And I enjoy seeing what new header you'll have up when I finally click over again! :)

    Here's to a thousand more to come!!!

    1. Thank you, Kara :-) You know I never mind getting bombarded by your comments!

  13. I'm glad I joined just in time for the awesome headers!
    I really liked your May 2015 one. I don't know why. It just looks cool!
    13.5 years! Wow! Congrats on the post :D

    1. Thanks, Ashley! The Hamlet one did look very cool -- I may do a very-Hamlet-ful one again some time.

  14. I'm commenting rather late, but CONGRATULATIONS! That is WAY cool! I can't believe you've been blogging for nearly 14 years! And everything you put up is top-notch. :) I love your blog (and headers) and look forward to many, many more posts in the future!

    1. Thanks, Mary! There is no such thing as a late comment. And yes, 14 years feels like a weirdly long time. Thank you for the kind comments on my blog and content! I'm so glad you enjoy it :-) (If you trawl back through my really old posts, though, you'll find a lot of boring stuff, heh.)

  15. Congrats on this great achievement! Here´s to many more posts!


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