
Thursday, March 26, 2015

Spring, Spring, Spring!

Spring is bustin' out all over, folks!  I took some photos ten days ago and again today, and wow, there's a major difference to be seen.

Daffodils 10 days ago

Daffodils today

Daffodils and hyacinths coming up by the front steps 10 days ago.

Aren't they miraculous, poking sturdily up out of the ground?

A hyacinth today!

A little garden fairy I bought years and years ago.  

A robin!

I wintered my two lavender plants beside the house in a little sheltered nook.  They seem to be okay.

My sad and lonely container garden on the deck.  I'll be planting flowers in a few weeks!

I planted irises all along one wall of the house last fall.  They're up!

Sadly, they all have brown tips to their leaves cuz we got snow after they came up.

Garlic up in the vegetable garden!  All sixteen bulbs I planted have come up.
Thanks, Heidi!

Little helpers prepping my garden soil.

Our "square foot" vegetable garden.  And the back of our house.

Our bird bath.

Our compost buckets.  I should do a post on how to compost on a small
(and non-stinky) level like we do.  It's so simple!

And inside my kitchen, I have these narcissus that I found for 98 cents at Walmart!

Daffodils are my favorite flower.

And I couldn't end this post without including the song I got my title from, could I? 


  1. You southern people are making me jealous. ;-P I live in NY and we're still rocking 30s temperatures and snow up here. Daffodils! Aahhhh! But I'm happy for you anyway! :-)

    I was out looking for crocuses yesterday, but I didn't find any.....:-/ It'll come!

    Happy spring!


    1. Yeah, my parents live in NC, and they've got stuff blooming all over already. Here in VA we're just greening up. But I know what you're going through -- I've lived most of my life in the land of snow and cold. Mostly in the midwest, but we lived in CT for three years before we moved here. Could get pretty cold there too.

      I should plant crocuses. I've never grown them, but it would be fun to have something that came up super early. A friend at church said her crocuses are all done blooming already.

  2. Must be nice... I just got back in from shoveling the two feet of snow that came down last night. Sigh.

    1. Awww :-( I can remember living in Michigan, when there were years that we got snow on my birthday, which is at the end of April. There was generally snow still on the ground for Easter too.

  3. I am loving the Spring around here! That yucky, snowy month of Feb is now in the deep, dark past and I have busted out my sandals. I am a happy lady! :D

    1. Sandals are the best! I slip into them as soon as possible, and don't ditch them for socks and shoes until early winter. Love them.


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