
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

MEMM Day 16 - Favorite song sung by a character(s) in the films

What better day to get back to this meme than the anniversary of the day the One Ring was destroyed in the fires of Mt. Doom, right?  (That was March 25, year 3019 of the Third Age, in case you've forgotten, which I totally did until I read this post today.)

I have deliberated long and hard on my answer to this particular question, and... it's a tie.  I can't decide between "Misty Mountains" from AUJ and "Edge of Night" from ROTK.

I've loved "Edge of Night" ever since I first saw ROTK, and it's the only one of the songs from within all of the LOTR trilogy that I know many words to.  I do hum it rather often, and sometimes sing it when we're on a walk outside (in my head or out loud, it varies).

I didn't love "Misty Mountains" at first.  But my husband really liked it, and when Tootie was a baby, he sang it to her a LOT because she liked deep, slow songs, and so I grew to love it too.


  1. This is a really hard question! These two kind of tie for me. (-:

    1. There are so many cool songs in these 6 movies, aren't there?

  2. That works, cuz you have a favorite in both trilogies! That's cool! Also, so interesting how many people like Edge of Night! There's nothing about that melody that speaks to me. Is that one where the lyrics are important? I couldn't tell you what he's singing about other than I know "edge of night" gets said somewhere in there. ROFL! (Amazingly, I do know the words to Misty Mountain, are you completely and utterly shocked? Hee.)

    1. Well, there's nothing about Aragorn's song that speaks to me either (in fact, honestly, I find its melody a little annoying). The lyrics here ARE important, but I like the melody too.

      The lyrics, in case you want to know:

      Home is behind; the world ahead,
      And we have many paths to tread
      Through shadow to the edge of night,
      Until the stars are all alight.
      Mist and shadow, cloud and shade --
      All shall fade.
      All shall fade.

      It's in the book too, as a walking song IIRC. It's not particularly sad in the book, but that ending part about all fading fits so well with Faramir going out to commit suicide by orc.

      (I am flabbergasted that you know the words to Misty Mountains, but it makes sense that'd be the one you know.)

    2. Ack. You made me read poetry. Hee. I hear the words when he sings them, I just don't process or retain them.

      (Besides Misty Mounta, I also know the road goes ever on and on whole couple of lines that Gandalf sings in the beginning of Fellowship to where he fades out, and I do sing those a fair bit when I go walking. And I know Aragorn's coronation song words in Elvish (I've read the translation once upon a time, but don't really care what the words mean). The Elvish words are much easier for me to retain than English. Kind of like how I've got large swathes of operas in Italian memorized, but I still don't know the words to Beatles songs I've heard over 100 times. I'm just weird, I know.)

    3. (PJ would have loved you as an elf. Have you watched that behind-the-scenes thing from AUJ where Figwit can't remember his lines in Elvish kind of at all? You'd be perfect!)

      I should have put it in free verse form for you -- would it make more sense that way?

      Home is behind; the world ahead, and we have many paths to tread through shadow to the edge of night, until the stars are all alight. Mist and shadow, cloud and shade -- all shall fade. All shall fade.

    4. (Hee, yes, I have watched that bit. And Evangeline Lilly has the same issue in Desolation that she talks about.)

      And yes!!!!!! That is 100 times easier to read and even understand, though the words are no different. I don't suffer the instant "yuck" block either. I just read it like it's a story, and ta-dah! I only had to read that once. I literally read the other version six times. Slowly. Over and over. Then just shrugged and stopped trying.

    5. (Also, would soooo love to be an elf in one of those movies! Okay, ANYTHING in one of those movies, but elf would be fantastic.)

    6. WELL! Now we know -- put lyrics in free verse form and you can understand them better. Only took us 10 years to figure this out...

    7. (And I figure even though we're not in the movies, we're very important to them because we gave them a LOT of our money by going to see them over and over and buying official merch, etc.)

  3. My favorite would have to be Edge of Night. So, SO incredible. I get chills every time I watch that part!

    1. And I love that Peter Jackson asked Billy Boyd to write the tune for it too! It fits so perfectly for the scene.

  4. Er mah gersh….;)

    *sigh* I love both of those songs too:D


Agree or disagree? That is the question...

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