
Saturday, August 02, 2014

"How do you stalk a deer with a hat? What're you going to do, throw it?"

Look what I found at the book store yesterday!  Sorry I couldn't manage to get a pic showing the back brim too, but yes, it's an honest-to-goodness tweedy deerstalker.

I have a penchant for hats.  I've always wanted a deerstalker, even though they're absolutely uncanonical.  They still make people think of Sherlock Holmes, they make me think of Sherlock Holmes... what's not to love?  :-D

EDIT:  Here's a better shot where you can see the back too:


  1. That is so awesome! I love hats too. :)

    Why do deerstalker hats make people think of Sherlock Holmes? If he stalks anything, it's suspects and criminals, and they're not exactly deer. ;) ("It has ear flaps? It's an ear hat.")

    1. Deerstalker hats and Inverness capes make people think of Sherlock Holmes because of Sidney Paget, who illustrated many of the original stories when they first appeared in The Strand magazine. Paget drew Holmes wearing them in pictures like this one, and people came to identify them with Holmes.

      And thanks! I wore it while running errands today and was ridiculously pleased with it.

    2. Love the hat! Also, it's referenced in the BBC show, in which Sherlock actually makes fun of it. "What is it, some sort of death frisbee? Why's it got two fronts?" :P

    3. Thanks! And yes, that bit cracked me up no end. My title for this post is from that scene, though I've only seen that ep once, so I might have misquoted it a little...

  2. That's a great find! They have deerstalker hats at the Sherlock Holmes Museum but they were so ridiculously expensive (they were all over £50) that I just couldn't justify buying one.

    I love hats too! I have a trilby hat and I got very excited when I saw a guy wearing a top hat on a bus one day :)

    1. You're kidding! Dude, this was only $15. Which is why I totally bought it. Sure, it's not a heavy-duty hat or anything, but it's fine for wearing around for fun.

      Trilbies are cute! Though I prefer fedoras.

  3. Aw, that is too cute! Love it. :)

  4. That is really utterly too cute on you... Just looking at the picture I can't stop smiling. :-) I love the braids, too! :-)

    1. Hee, thanks! I really like it on me too. I should do double braids more often -- my girls said I look like Princess Anna from Frozen, and my son says I look like Molly from the American Girl books :-)

  5. Wow! That's awesome! Oh, and if that's you in the picture, I really like your hair color, it's pretty. :D

    1. Yup, that's me. Thanks! That's the color my hair has mellowed to after dying it in May -- no longer as bright as it was then.

  6. I posted a second picture cuz I managed to get one that shows the back too. Selfies are not my forte, lol.

  7. Adorable!

    What ho, Watson, the game's afoot!

  8. Love the hat, and you look great in it.

    1. Thanks! I do like the way I look in hats. Might be part of why I have so many of them.

  9. Time for your hubby to go out looking for a seersucker suit... maybe it will help him make some progress in learning to suck seers.

    1. We have a friend at church who has a seersucker suit...

  10. I'm just gonna say that you must be an awesome mom. I know no other mom who runs around in a deerstalker, so I think it's pretty awesome. :-)

    1. Haha! Well, right now my kids are 6, 4, and 2, and they think it's awesome that Mommy wears silly hats. I wore this to Walmart yesterday, and they all declared if Mommy had a silly hat, they would too, and wore various hats themselves. When they're 16, 14, and 12, they may not be so fond of Mom showing up places in her deerstalker or battered fedora or cowboy hat. Bwahahahahahahahahaha!

    2. Ah, good; I see you indoctrinate them young. ;-)


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