
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

"X-Men: Days of Future Past" (2014) -- Initial Thoughts

This entire post is spoilage.  (EDIT:  Both my husband and my best friend say it's not all that spoily.  Mostly I just discuss my emotions about the film.)  Stop here and go see the movie if you at all love these characters and this series.  Do not scroll down below the pictures of Wolverine unless you want spoilage.  I mean it.

(This is just me pointing out, once again, that Hugh Jackman looks a lot like a young Clint Eastwood)
(And I'm not the only person who thinks so!  Source)
"You sure you want to keep reading?"
I am so, so, so incredibly happy.  Euphoric, really.  Filled with joy.  I feel like light and love could come shooting out of my fingertips if I wanted.  Thank you, thank you so amazingly much to the makers of this movie.  You have given me such an unexpected and wonderful gift.  You even fixed a bunch of the issues I had with X-Men:  First Class.  And James McAvoy learned to act, or remembered how, or something!  Maybe Hugh Jackman just makes everyone better?  I don't know, but McAvoy's Charles Xavier was anything but bland and boring this time.

I don't think I can be coherent here.  So I'm just going to repeat that I am beyond happy, thanks to this movie.  I will gladly sit through the first 2 hours and 5 minutes of pain and torment and fear and worry again to get to the final few minutes of giddy joy.  Hugs all around!

This song is exactly how I feel tonight:


  1. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I felt the opposite -- adored X-Men Origins and didn't like this film one bit! :)

    1. Origins or First Class?

      I think this is like the Lost finale -- all I've ever wanted for Wolverine is for him to be happy, and he's the whole reason I watch the movies. Same went for Lost and Sawyer.

    2. First Class, sorry! I always forget the name of it, and just call it the "prequel." Heh.

      Ahh, I see! My interest is solely in Magneto and Xavier, so I'm a bit tired of the emphasis on Wolverine in all the films. That's why I enjoyed First Class so much -- Wolverine was barely in it. :)

    3. I kinda figured you meant First Class :-)

      So you're the direct opposite of me -- my reaction to First Class was, "Why bother watching this when Wolvie's only in one tiny scene?" But I did buy it on DVD last week because I knew I'd want it if I had this one. So I'll watch it again soon and see if I like it better than I did the first time around.

    4. I like the emotional arc of Magneto and Xavier -- two friends who become enemies, yet still maintain affection for one another even though their goals are dead set against each other. That, and Mystique... she loves them both in different ways, so to see her choose Magneto is gut-wrenching. I felt that the new film betrayed a lot of that dynamic (having Eric turn against her like that, so coldly), so that's one of my reasons for not enjoying it. It ruined a lot of the emotional impact of the previous films and made it so most of them never happened -- the characters never took those emotional journeys. I'm slowly realizing that for me, the emotional journey is everything.

    5. I didn't feel like Eric turned against Mystique in a cold way -- I felt like this was a terrible decision he made to try to save their fellow mutants.

      And yes, I can see that having much of what happened in the other movies not happen could make a person less-than-happy. But me... Wolvie now doesn't have to feel all that guilt and sorrow over Jean's death anymore. Me happy. In this instance, the emotional un-journey is what I was so excited to get.

  2. Haha, you're so fun when you're excited! I'm glad you loved it -- should we expect a full review sometime? I'm not a big enough of a fan of the franchise to have noticed the incongruities First Class made, so I enjoyed it and this one about the same. This one slightly more though I think, because Wolverine does make everything better! :D

    1. :-D My husband would agree that I'm fun when I'm excited, I think. And yes, I'll do a full review after I settle down, and probably after I see it again, if I can.

      Wolverine makes everything better. Always.

  3. Yay! Glad you enjoyed this one. Since I loved 'First Class,' I'm hoping to like this one as well - plus I just think it's cool they combined the "young" with the "present" mutants. How awesome is that?? :D

    1. The combining of the two casts -- it's brilliant. I so loved that. I hope you like it too!

  4. I didn't read past Wolverine. I really want to see this, but I want to see all the ones before it first. I have only seen the first two and I have to fix this.

    1. YES! You absolutely need to fix that. It's a moral imperative. But I will say that X2 is the best of them.

  5. I'm glad you enjoyed it so much! I loved it. :D I love First Class and I think I might like DOFP as much! From what you said at the end there is doesn't seem like you liked First Class much, so I'm going to go and read your review of that now. :)

    Wasn't it wonderful?! Wasn't that scene with Quicksilver saving the day awesome? :)


    1. I bought a copy of First Class for peanuts a couple weeks ago, and hope to watch it with my hubby this weekend cuz he hasn't seen it yet, and I haven't seen it since it was in theaters. My review of it is here, for your easy finding pleasure :-)

      And Quicksilver was stellar. My one real quibble is that if they'd kept him with them, everything else would have been much easier, and there's no real reason Wolvie doesn't bring him along.

    2. I hope you like it better the second time around. :) The one thing about it I'm not very keen on is how Raven leaves Charles on the doesn't seem to fit very well with the characters or something.


    3. I'll have to watch for that and see what I think!

  6. I had the EXACT same feeling as you did about the movie. I was just so happy that the X-Men were awesome again. Honestly, I cannot find a single thing that I disliked about the movie. I was so happy after watching the movie! I was on the edge-of-seat during the action scenes, especially *SPOILERS* during the first action scene when Iceman died, which kind of left me in shock since he is one of my favorite X-Men from the comics and movies. The movie had heart, humor, and basically everything. For me, Days of Future Past is right behind the Avengers (and maybe the Winter Soldier) for my favorite comic book movie. :D


    1. Hugs all around! And a high five! I'm so glad you loved it too. I have to say, on a second viewing, that this movie's plot is sooooo tight. Everything interlocks and just works exactly as it should.

      And YES! That gut-punch at the beginning with Iceman, it left me gasping the first time. I was like, "Wow, this is going to be a gutsy movie." And it is.

      I have to see it at least once more before I'm sure, but this one is close to tying with X2 for my favorite X-men movie, and then second-favorite superhero movie (The Avengers is first, naturally). It might remain third-favorite, but not by much.


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