
Thursday, June 26, 2014

Adios, Eli Wallach


I didn't realize Eli Wallach was nearly a hundred years old!  He was just making movies as of 4 years ago, and I guess I thought he was in his 80s or something.  His death on Tuesday shocked me so much.  I've only seen a handful of his films, but he plays my favorite film villain ever, and I absolutely loved his autobiography, The Good, the Bad, and Me.


  1. When I read this news on Tuesday, I was so very sad. Magnificent Seven would just not be the same with his Calvera. And I loved him in "Tough Guys," with Burt Lancaster and Kirk Douglas. He has a great body of work. I do need to read that autobiography sometime. RIP, Eli Wallach.

    1. Honestly, he's my favorite part of "The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly." No way I would sit through all of it if Tuco wasn't there quipping things like, "If you're gonna shoot, shoot! Don't talk." I haven't seen "Tough Guys," but I also get such a kick out of him in "How to Steal a Million." And he's quite mean in his tiny role in "How the West Was Won" -- much meaner than as Calvera, and yet with that little sparkle of humor too.

      His biography is great. Read it already!

    2. I agree. I'm not really a fan of The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly," but Tuco is great. I don't think I've seen Eli Wallach ever not turn in a fabulous performance.

    3. You're right! He's not just dependably enjoyable, like Gene Hackman and so on, he's always delightful and fabulous. Quite often the best part of a movie, no matter how small the role!

    4. I remember him best from Tough Guys; he was very memorable in that one.

    5. Clearly, I need to see Tough Guys!

  2. This is kind of ironic that Eli Wallach just died, because I was just reading about him in an old issue of American Cowboy, and that was the first I'd ever heard of him. I've never seen him in a movie before and don't know much about him, but I'd really like to see The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

    1. Oh man! He's so much fun! "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" is... long. A little longer than it needs to be, IMHO. But he's great in it. And in "The Magnificent Seven," which I consider to be the finest western ever made. Even people who don't like westerns should see that one once.

  3. Aww, I liked him in newer movies like "The Holiday."

    1. ::Kicks herself in the shin:: I still haven't seen "The Holiday," isn't that awful? And I really like Jude Law! A friend gave me a (recorded off TV, and therefore not really legal, but shhhhhh) copy years ago and I still just... haven't. Should I do a Christmas-in-July watching of it?

  4. Yeah, you should. I'll warn you, it's not moral -- Jude's character and Cameron's character start their relationship based entirely off sex, but Kate Winslet's half of the plot, which involves interacting with Eli Wallach, is enormously sweet. (There's an ISFJ for you!)

    1. "Not moral" is the impression I got from the trailers, but... I do like Kate Winslet a lot, and Jude Law. However, Cameron Diaz almost always annoys me, so I probably have avoided watching it mostly because of her.

      And an ISFJ! How much do you want to bet they'll be my second-favorite character?

  5. I haven't seen a whole lot of Mr. Wallach's work, but I know my son loves him in "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly." Just last weekend, he was saying how he needed to watch that film again. I guess, now---in honor and memory of Mr. Wallach---is a good time to do that.

    Rest in peace, Eli Wallach. You will be missed!

    1. I just said to my husband that we should watch The Magnificent Seven this weekend in honor of Eli Wallach, as we haven't seen it for a couple of years.

  6. I haven't ever seen any of his movies but I will have to see if I can find some

    1. Absolutely! He made a LOT of movies and TV show episodes, so there's sure to be something for everyone :-)


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