
Monday, May 12, 2014

Winner! Winner!

Three cheers for Clayton, winner of the DVD giveaway!  Clayton, I've just emailed you, so as soon as I get your mailing address, I'll be sending off your copy of A Sun Also Rises.  I hope you enjoy it!

Everyone else, better luck next time :-)  I'm kind of addicted to giveaways, so I'm sure I'll hold another one before long!


  1. I'm completely jazzed! Thanks!

    BTW, I've been watching COMBAT like mad, with my Yiddishist/Banjoist pal Henry. Great show! That and GARRISON'S GORILLAS...action packed.

    1. A fellow Combat! fan! Awesome! I've only seen a few eps of GG, and they were great fun, but the characters didn't speak to me like Saunders and company do.

  2. I am sorry that I missed this. I have not been seeing your latest posts coming up in my bloglovin feed for quite some time. All of a sudden the one about your container garden showed up this morning.

    1. How very strange! Ahhh, the internet -- great when it works, right?

  3. Hey there! I got the disc, and life is good!

    It balances out the fact that my page got hacked and whacked! :) I built another page, and I'm having fun...and watching more COMAT! eps!

    Clayton@ Phantom Empires

    1. Yay! I'm glad it arrived safely :-) I'm sorry your pages got hacked -- I was wondering what happened to them. Good luck with the new site!

    2. I really liked the movie...thanks again!

    3. Thank you for letting me know you enjoyed it! That was really sweet of you to stop back by and say so :-)


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