
Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Happy Birthday, Dear Rudy!

It's Rudolph Valentino's 119th birthday :-)  To celebrate, I ordered a copy of Beyond the Rocks on DVD -- I've never seen it!  Very exciting.  I hope to watch it next week.  A little late for his birthday, but better late than never.

Happy birthday, dear Rudy!

Rudy reading the birthday card I imaginarily sent him with my spiffy time machine.

Rudy tinkering with a car or something.  One of his favorite hobbies, reportedly.

Rudy with some giant spaghetti -- he used to make his own noodles, sauce and meatballs :-9


  1. I love Italian food, especially when made from scratch by an Italian!

    Happy birthday, Rudy!

    1. IIRC from when I read Dark Lover by Emily W. Leider, there was a restaurant Rudy frequented where he would go back into the kitchen and make his own meatballs for himself and his friends to enjoy. He was quite enthusiastic about his food!

  2. Happy birthday, Rudy! Love that top picture. Great jacket, great hair, great expression... Also, very glad he got the card you sent! :D

    1. He's on an ocean liner in that one :-) And yes, you never can tell if time machine mail will arrive on time or not!

  3. That sounds like a great way to celebrate his birthday


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