
Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Invitation to be an Advance Reader for the Cornerstone Series

Want to read one or more of the Cornerstone Series books in advance?  Including, but not limited to, my Ugly Duckling retelling A Noble Companion ;-)  Well, here's your chance!  Simply fill out this form, indicating which books you'd be interested in reading an ARC for, and then sit back and wait for confirmation and info on which books you'll be getting advance copies of!  

You can ask for as many or as few as you'd like.  There are sixteen books by sixteen different authors, so you've got plenty to choose from!


  1. Ahhhh, yay! Just submitted. ;D

  2. This sounds so fun! I might have to pass at the moment but just thought I’d pop in and say hello ☺️

    ~ Miss Evelyn

    1. Miss Evelyn, it's lovely to meet you! Will check out your blog posthaste -- I love the name. Avonlea is dear to my heart!


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