
Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Missing Sibling Names Quiz

Time for our first game!  Here are 15 sets of siblings from movies, books, and literature.  Your job?  Supply the missing sibling name for each family!  Put your guesses in a comment.

1. Eomer and _______ (The Lord of the Rings)

2.  Adam, ______, and Little Joe (Bonanza)

3.  John, Wendy, and ________ Darling (Peter Pan)

4.  Isa, Jessie, Oliver, __________, and Lacey Vanderbeeker (The Vanderbeekers of 141st Street)

5.  Bofur and _______ (The Hobbit)

6.  _________, Jason, Mary Ellen, Erin, Ben, Jim-Bob, and Elizabeth Walton (The Waltons)

7.  Meg, Jo, _____, and Amy March (Little Women)

8.  Judah and _______ (Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ)

9.  Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, ______, and Lydia Bennet (Pride and Prejudice)

10.  Bret, _____, and Brent Maverick (Maverick)

11. ______, Sodapop, and Ponyboy Curtis (The Outsiders)

12.  Laertes and _______ (Hamlet)

13.  DJ, Stephanie, and ___________ Tanner (Full House)

14.  ______, Jessie, Violet, and Benny Alden (The Boxcar Children)

15. Peter, Susan, _______, and Lucy Pevensie (The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe)

I'm putting comments on full moderation so no one can cheat off each others' answers.  I'll post the answers and everyone's scores at the end of the party.


  1. I can only supply answers for 7 of these questions --
    1. Eowyn
    2. Hoss
    3. Michael
    6. John-Boy
    7. Beth
    9. Kitty
    12. Ophelia

  2. 1. Eowyn
    2. Hoss
    3. Michael
    4. ?
    5. Bombur
    6. John Boy
    7. Beth
    8. Tirzah
    9. Kitty
    10. Bert
    11. Derry
    12. ?
    13. Michelle
    15. Edmund

  3. 1. Eowyn.
    3. Michael
    5. Bombur?
    7. Beth!
    9. Kitty
    12. Ophelia
    13. Michelle
    15. Edmund. My roommate is watching Narnia with a friend right now! I should get back to homework, though.

  4. Only answering those I knew without looking them up or hunting down books or anything, as I find that "cheating"
    1. Éowyn. 3. Michael. 5. Bombur. 11.Darrel. 12. Ophelia. 15. Edmund.
    I read some of the others (Ben Hur and Little Ladies) so long ago, that the names elude me, the rest I never read - some of them are, I think, also not translated into Danish.

  5. I completely don't have time to look up answers, and I can't remember as many as I should know, so you get what I know off the top of my head:
    3. Michael
    7. Beth
    9. Kitty
    13. Michelle
    14. Henry
    15. Edmund

  6. Love that you included Narnia and Hamlet!

    1. Eowyn (The Lord of the Rings)

    2. Hoss (Bonanza)

    3. Michael (Peter Pan)

    5. Bifur (The Hobbit)

    6. Johnboy (The Waltons)

    7. Beth (Little Women)

    9. Kitty (Pride and Prejudice)

    12. Ophelia (Hamlet)

    13. Michelle (Full House)

    15. Edmund (The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe)

  7. These games are always such fun. :)

    1. Eowyn
    2. Hoss
    3. Michael

    5. Bifur

    7. Beth

    9. Kitty
    10. Bart

    13. Michelle
    14. Henry
    15. Edmund

  8. Oh dear, I only know four of these!

    1. CLM, that's okay :-) If you'd care to make some guesses, go ahead!

  9. Answers have just been posted here, for any of you who are curious!

  10. 1. Éowyn
    2. ?
    3. Michael
    4. ?
    5. Bombur
    6. ?
    7. Beth
    8. Ben-Hur
    9. Kitty
    10. ?
    11. ?
    12. Ophelia
    13. ?
    14. Edmund


Agree or disagree? That is the question...

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(Rudeness and vulgar language will not be tolerated.)