
Monday, December 25, 2023

Merry Christmas to You!

I hope you have been enjoying a joyful Christmas.  It's been so quiet and lovely here -- went to church in the morning, baked a pie after lunch, read a book and built Legos with my kids and took a nap, then had a lovely feast.  Just now, we took a "Christmas lights walk," a yearly tradition where we walk around our neighborhood enjoying everyone's outdoor decorations.

If you're looking for some nice background music or something more low-key to watch during your celebrations, my college has posted a great video of their annual Christmas at Bethany concert on YouTube.  We watched it yesterday afternoon, and I was so impressed by this year's musical selections.  Every year's concert is lovely, but I think this is the best one I have ever experienced (including the ones I performed in many years ago)!

Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a good night!


  1. Glad you had a great Christmas! Walking around seeing the lights is always a great activity for the holiday.

    1. Debra, it is! We try to go out at least once a week from Thanksgiving to Christmas.

  2. Merry Christmas! So glad you had a good holiday <3

    1. Merry Christmas, Katie! Thanks :-) We managed to have nobody in the house sick with anything for two whole days! :-b

  3. Merry Christmas to you and loved ones ❤

    1. Thanks, Baili! And a happy new year to you and yours :-)


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