
Monday, June 05, 2023

Announcing 2023's Legends of Western Cinema Week

Yessirree!  It's true :-) Olivia (of Meanwhile, in Rivendell...), Heidi (of Along the Brandywine), and I are co-hosting Legends of Western Cinema Week once again!

We'd love to have you join us the last week of July as we celebrate onscreen westerns of every sort.  As always, we will provide a tag you can fill out, along with various games and giveaways.  And then YOU contribute the rest of the party fun!

What you want to contribute is totally up to you!  Past LOWCW parties have involved movie and TV show reviews, top ten lists, tribute posts to actors or characters, soundtrack appreciation posts, character sketches, and anything else partygoers have dreamed up.

We never set a limit for how many posts you can contribute, or how many people can share posts about a particular subject.  The only rules are that posts: 
  • must be appreciative and not derogatory, 
  • must be about westerns, and 
  • must to be new posts (not just linking to old ones).  

If you need help deciding on a contribution topic, you are welcome to toss around ideas with us in the comments.  There is no official sign-up list.  However, we would love it if you shared one of Olivia's lovely buttons on your own blog or social media account, with a link back to one of our announcement posts so other people can join the fun.

If you've never attended a LOWCW hootenanny before and you can't quite wrap your head around how it works, here's a link to my wrap-up for 2022's party so you can see how they play out.

Put on your ten-gallon thinking hat and start figuring out how you want to celebrate this year!


  1. Don't threaten us with a good time! :D

  2. Hi, Rachel! I'd like to review "Support Your Local Sheriff," if that's OK. So glad you brought this back!

    1. Rebecca, that is awesome! I LOVE that movie :-D Happy to have you join us!

  3. I'm finally getting The Midnite Drive-In back up and running after a three-year lapse. I was going to focus on trashy and "bad" movies. So if Wild Wild West is not allowed I will have to look a little harder. But I am interested.

    1. Quiggy, that is wonderful news! I have missed you :-D I think Wild Wild West would be all right, as long as you are not badmouthing westerns as a whole, but just having a good time reviewing a not-so-good movie. Otherwise, there are plenty of westerns out there!

    2. "badmouthing westerns"? Not me. My favorite actor, John Wayne, made his career out of them. And Wild Wild West, although considered "bad" is actually one I like. As far as it goes, though, I think I have only disparaged one movie in the entire run of the blog (200 Cigarettes). Even the bad ones got some love (re: The Conqueror").

    3. Quiggy, that is pretty much what I figured ;-) I have not seen the movie version of Wild, Wild West, but I know it has a lot of detractors, but also quite a few people who enjoy it. (I really love the show and have been vaguely curious about the movie, but not quite enough to see it. You might change my mind about that!)

  4. I haven't written anything for my blog in ages, so maybe I can write something for this.

    1. Johanna, that would be great! Blog parties can be a fun way to re-energize your blogging, for sure.

  5. Hello Hamlette! If it's not too late to sign up for The Legends of Western Cinema Week blogathon, may I review the 1978 film, 'Days of Heaven'?

  6. Couldn't hold out any longer

  7. I finally decided on a topic for this blogathon ( so many great westerns to choose from! ): Broken Arrow starring James Stewart. I hope it hasn't been taken yet, but if it has, I have plenty of backups! ( )

    1. Metzingers, that sounds great! We do not limit how many people review any particular title, so you are free to review that! I haven't seen Broken Arrow in years, so I look forward to reading your thoughts on it.


Agree or disagree? That is the question...

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