
Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Blogathons Coming Soon

Time for a reminder about some cool blogathons coming up this spring!

First, A Shroud of Thoughts is hosting the annual TV Show Episode Blogathon, which is always such a joy.  Get more info and sign up here.

Next, Taking Up Room is hosting the Seen On the Screen Blogathon in mid-April.  This one revolves around actual places that are portrayed onscreen.  Get more info and sign up here.

Third, I think my Shades of Shane Blogathon kind of got lost in the shuffle.  I probably announced it too early, but I was just so excited to discover that it was released 70 years ago this year, and released on my birthday, that I didn't want to wait to announce it.  Anyway, this blogathon is not about Shane itself, but about the actors and actresses who are in it -- the idea is to review something else they were in, not Shane itself.  If you haven't yet, please check out the announcement post and sign up to participate.

(edit) Fourth, Classic Film and TV Corner is hosting the Master of Suspense Blogathon at the very end of April.  This one is all about Alfred Hitchcock and his movies.  Get more info and sign up here.


  1. Probably partly my fault that the "Shades of Shane" blogathon got a bit lost in the shuffle, as you so aptly put it – after your Alan Ladd post, I mentioned the 70th year anniversary of the release of "Shane" and you found out about the release on your birthday... I think your idea to write about the actresses and actors and other great films they made is a good idea – folks, just think WHO was in "Shane" besides Alan Ladd – Van Heflin, Jean Arthur, Brandon de Wilde, Jack Palance, Ben Johnson, Edgar Buchanan, Elisha Cook, Jr. – great names, great work! So many possibilities for exciting contributions! Think of it and sign up, it's so worth it!

    1. Andrea, nah, I am usually super patient about waiting to announce events until they are 6 weeks out, but I was just so excited about this one!

  2. Thanks for sharing this, Rachel! Caftan Woman used to be my go-to place to find out which blogathons were upcoming because she participated in EVERY one of them....but if you keep this up, I'll be coming to Hamlette's place to get the latest blogathon scoop! Oh, and before I forget...sign me up for your Shades of Shane blogathon. I haven't thought of a topic yet but I will soon.

    1. You're welcome, Metzingers! I have a page called Upcoming Blog Events where I list everything I'll be participating in, so that's a good thing to check out if you're looking for blogathons! Classic Film and TV Corner has a similar page too, and she participates in some different things from me, so that's another good resource.

      I will add you as "undecided" to the Shades of Shane roster! Thanks for joining!

    2. Thanks, I'll keep that in mind! I finally decided on my Shades of Shane topic...sort of. I narrowed it down to two, so if you can take 2 posts, that would be great! "A Foreign Affair" ( Jean Arthur ) and "Edge of Eternity" ( Edgar Buchanen gives a fine performance in this one ). Our blog is Silver Scenes ( ). Thank you!

    3. Perfect! Those are both movies I haven't seen yet, so I look forward to learning about them :-D Adding you to the roster now!

    4. The thing is, I planned to write a few things about "A Foreign Affair" (which I very much like) in my post about Jean Arthur – it's the film I know best amongst her comedies... Hm, would that be a problem?

    5. Ooops, I never get it... I can't see my post, did you receive it? (Jean Arthur, "A Foreign Affair")??

    6. Andrea, that's not a problem at all because a movie review will be much more in-depth than something that is part of a career overview :-)


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