
Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Join the Book Tour for "My Rock and My Refuge"

Woohoo!  Launch day for My Rock and My Refuge is only 2 1/2 weeks away!!!  

::cue internal screaming over all the formatting and proofing I still have to do before November 8::

Yes, this means that my Beauty and the Beast retelling is going to be in your hands soooooooooon.  (Unless you're an advance reader -- then it's in your hands already, you lucky duck!)  This also means that I need to get my online book tour organized.  Which is why I'm here today.  I want YOU to join my book tour!

The tour will run from November 7 through November 18, so there are plenty of slots to choose from.  And I'm very open as far as what kinds of tour posts people can contribute.  In fact, the more variety, the merrier!  Book reviews are always good, as are author interviews.  Blog posts, Instagram posts, BookTube videos -- I'm even willing to do live interviews on Instagram, or do a video chat!  If you have a book club and want me to be the guest speaker via Zoom or Skype, I'm here for it.  

If you'd like to sign up to host a stop for this tour, please use this form to do so.

Oh, and if you'd like to know more about this book, here's the official cover blurb:

Beauty and the Beast... re-imagined...

Marta knows she shouldn't feel this way toward Mr. Wendell. She needs to keep her job as his servant, especially because her family back in Germany depends on the money she and her brother Jakob send home. Marta's new feelings can't be as important as helping her family save their bakery, can they? 

Marta doesn't want to believe the rumors that Mr. Wendell profited from another's tragedy to gain his wealth. Although his face bears terrible scars, she sees past them to his kind and generous heart. Still, she wonders why he never leaves his big house high in the Colorado mountains. Does he hide himself away because of his disfigured face, or because he has a guilty conscience? 

While Marta tries to push away her questions, others are determined to find answers. Their efforts lead to a fresh tragedy that threatens Marta's hope of finding happiness with Mr. Wendell. Will Marta fail her family and her new friends, or will God bless her efforts to build a happy future for them all?

A few reviews have already gotten shared to Goodreads, including one that says:

Okay, enough nattering.  Go sign up for the book tour!


  1. WOOHOO! So excited for your upcoming book release, Rachel! Congratulations--you've worked so hard! :D

    1. Thanks, Katie! It feels like I'm spending every spare second pushing this book to completion, but the end is in sight!!! If I squint...

  2. Oh love that review, and I agree completely!

    1. Aww, thank you, Skye! I kind of tried to fix/avoid all the things that always bug me in BATB stories, lol. While still clearly being a BATB retelling!


Agree or disagree? That is the question...

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(Rudeness and vulgar language will not be tolerated.)