
Saturday, February 26, 2022

Answers to the "Name That Mystery" Game

Here are the answers to the "Name That Mystery" game from Tuesday!  And everyone's scores are below.  How did you do?

A: Paris, prosthetic hand, multiple identities, gold.
7. Charade (1963)

B: House party, butler, candlestick, singing telegram.
10. Clue (1985)

C: New York City, portrait, silver shinbone, negligee.
3. Laura (1944)

D: Massachusetts, mystery writer, birthday party, immigrants. 
15. Knives Out (2019)

E: Apartment complex, binoculars, wheelchair, suitcase.
6. Rear Window (1954)

F: Chicago, vascular surgeon, wrongful conviction, train wreck.
12. The Fugitive (1993)

G: Kenport, boiling coffee, car bomb, mink coats, the mob.
5. The Big Heat (1953)

H: Mississippi, racism, factory, chewing gum.
8. In the Heat of the Night (1967)

I: Manderley, housekeeper, sailboat, fire.
16. Rebecca (2020)

J: Amish country, barn raising, lemonade, ice cream.
11. Witness (1985)

K: San Francisco, Knights Templar, statue, dreams.
2. The Maltese Falcon (1941)

L: London, martial arts, sewers, disguises.
14. Sherlock Holmes (2009)


Andrea -- 12
Phyl -- 12
Eva -- 11
Lissa -- 10
Katie Hanna -- 9
Chloe the Movie Critic -- 6


  1. Oh my goodness, I've even seen Charade and love it! I guess it's time for a rewatch because I do not remember a prosthetic hand....

    Awesome game, Hamlette! And congrats to everyone for getting so many correct!

    1. Chloe, haha! Charade was a hard one because so many of the clues I could think of were really obviously about it, or else were spoilers. George Kennedy has a prosthetic hand in it, and that seemed fairly non-spoiler-y.

  2. I got all but the Maltese Falcon and Knives Out - the two I haven't seen. Very fun!!

  3. Wow! I can't believe I managed to get nine out of twelve movies correct when I've only seen ONE of them. I guess I've been storing up a lot of information from reading your movie reviews ;)

    1. Katie, clearly you have a strangely retentive memory for trifles ;-) Like Sherlock Holmes!

  4. Your "We Love Detectives Week" coincided with my "film noir" course – serendipity!! So I could use my research twice... ;-)

  5. Most of my were guesses but it seems I was more right than I thought. I think it's harder to think of which movie when you sum it like that. But this was fun! Thanks for hosting.

    Have a lovely day.


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