
Saturday, January 15, 2022

New Short Story Available!

My latest Once Upon a Western short story is now available for FREE as an ebook for Kindle or Nook!  

"Who Lived in a Shoe" is another sequel to One Bad Apple, and it also ties up to Dancing and Doughnuts, which makes me super happy :-D  I love getting to reveal how the characters from different books have ties to other characters, even though each book stands on its own.

Here's the official synopsis for "Who Lived in a Shoe," which is my reimagining of a Mother Goose rhyme:

Levi Dalton is disappointed. He'd had high hopes for this visit from Uncle Matthew's old cavalry friend, Mr. Jones. Even though Mr. Jones brought along his wife, children, and a sister-in-law, surely he would have time to reminisce with Uncle Matthew about their time in the war. Then Levi would get to hear the kinds of exciting stories his father used to tell. 

But Levi's little cousins and the Jones children keep causing mischievous problems, not to mention the trouble Levi's new dog gets into. It seems like Uncle Matthew and their guests will spend the whole visit cleaning up messes, rescuing ruined meals, and disciplining children. Will Levi ever get to hear the stories of glory he's been craving? Find out in this short story sequel to One Bad Apple!

You can get "Who Lived in a Shoe" as an ebook from Amazon here and from Barnes and Noble here.  Once you've read it, please leave a quick review when you get a chance!  You can also add it to your Goodreads shelf here.

(Please note that, like my other short stories, this is free for Nook everywhere, but only free for Kindle in the US -- Amazon gets fussy and won't price-match for other countries, so it does cost the tiniest amount they'll allow there.)

By the way, subscribers to my author newsletter got to read this story back before Christmas already!  I always give newsletter readers a chance to read them before the rest of the world.  If you're not signed up for my author mailing list, you can do that right here.  I send out a newsletter about once a month, and I also send short announcement messages once in a while.  

ALSO... when you sign up, you'll receive a welcome email that contains info on how to access my short story "Let Down Your Hair," a sequel to Dancing and Doughnuts that retells Rapunzel.  That story is currently ONLY available to newsletter subscribers...


  1. This sounds good! I wonder Rachel, do you have your books available in PDF format as well? I'm one of the rare few who do not own a Kindle or Nook.

    1. Thank you, Metzingers! You can actually read Kindle books on a desktop or laptop computer, or tablet. Or, you can get the Kindle app on your smartphone and read them there (I do this, as I don't have an e-reader). If you're not into smartphones, this article explains three ways to read them on a PC. I believe Nook has similar options. Hope that helps! Otherwise, I could totally email you my short stories as PDFs, but not my novels since they're available as paperbacks.

    2. Thanks, that does indeed help! I'll head on over to Amazon then and give it a read.

    3. Yay! Glad it will work for you that way :-)


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