
Wednesday, September 01, 2021

Announcing the Glenn Ford Blogathon!

I'm going to co-host a Glenn Ford Blogathon with Eva of Coffee, Classics, and Craziness!  It'll run October 15-17, and you are hereby invited to participate :-)

Glenn Ford has been one of my favorite actors since I was a teen.  He was so versatile that, no matter what your favorite genre is, he probably made a movie you'll like!  Comedies?  Check.  Dramas?  Check.  Westerns?  Check.  Romance?  Check.  Film Noir?  Check.  Superheroes?  Check...

Because Glenn Ford made more than a hundred films, Eva and I are limiting this event to no more than two people writing about the same movie.  Please consult the roster below to see if the movie you want to review has been claimed more than once yet.

You can sign up either on this post or on Eva's, and we will do our best to keep the lists updated.  Please leave a link to your blog so we can list you on the rosters properly.

Of course, if people have already claimed your favorite Glenn Ford movies, you can always do something like a list of your favorite movies of his, discuss his impact on a particular genre, or whatever!  We invite you to get creative.  But we also ask that you remain respectful and keep your posts family friendly.

And, of course, please use one of these lovely buttons that Eva made to spread the word about this blogathon.  The more the merrier!

Official Roster

You're next!!!


  1. Hi Rachel, can you count me in with The Visitor (1979)? from Gill at Realweegiemidget Reviews. BTW Love you to join this.. non horror is allowed..

    1. Gill, that sounds great! I'll add you to the roster right now.

      Thanks for the invite! I will see what I can come up with. I think my library has the Hammer version of The Hound of the Baskervilles...

  2. I can add that with a question mark if you want, then you can confirm later. No rush though as its not been picked.

    1. Gill, looks my library does NOT have it, so... if I figure something out, I'll let you know :-) I'm already hosting one blog event and participating in another in October, so that may be all I can handle. I'll think about it!

  3. I have heard you talk about Glenn Ford a lot, so I decided to look through his filmography. Turns out, I haven't seen a single movie that he made. Not one! I can't believe it! If I can change that by the time this party comes around, then I will join in! Even if I don't get to, I'm sure this will give me a lot of ideas about where to start. :-)

    1. Chloe, oh my goodness! How exciting that we get to introduce you to this marvelous actor! If you want some reccs of fun Glenn Ford movies I think you would enjoy, I would suggest The Sheepman or The Fastest Gun Alive, as I think you (and your family) would really like those. Or Texas! You can pick those up on DVD pretty reasonably (especially if you buy used), or I know you can rent The Fastest Gun Alive on Amazon Prime Video...

  4. Perfect excuse to finally watch Mr. Soft Touch!
    Sign me up please and thanks.

    1. ..forgot my blog's name, Speakeasy

    2. Kristina, I've added you to the roster for Mr. Soft Touch -- that's one I haven't seen yet! Can't wait to hear what you think of it :-)

  5. Hi Rachel, count me in for your blogathon! I'll have to get back to you once I'm decided on my topic. I'm a choosing snail :)

    1. Muse, sounds good! Glad to have you along, and I look forward to finding out what you choose :-)

  6. OK, I've got it! Please put me down for Go West, Young Lady (1941).

    Also, I've just posted a movie review centered around Hamlet that you might enjoy. All about a famous actor and the effect playing Hamlet had on his life.

    1. Muse, that sounds awesome! I'll add you to the roster. And thanks for the link -- I will check it out!

  7. Hi Rachel, here's my post for The Visitor for the blogathon tomorrow...

    from Gill at Realweegiemidget Reviews

    1. Thank you, Gill! You'll be the first on the roster :-D


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