
Monday, April 12, 2021

Hamlet as retold by Andy Griffith

Okay, but I absolutely loved this?  I mean, I already love Andy Griffith, and obviously I adore Hamlet.  So how would I not love this little retelling, which I guess Griffith did as part of a stand-up act at some point?  Oh man, it's so good.  It made me laugh, and it made me lonesome for North Carolina, and so... yeah... I dug it.

(I especially got a kick out of what he decides the moral of the story is.)


  1. I am a big fan of ANDY GRIFFITH and his shows THE ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW and MATLOCK. Andy is one of my three favorite TV actors. The other two are CARROLL O'CONNOR because of ALL IN THE FAMILY and LARRY HAGMAN because of the smash prime-time soap DALLAS. CLASSIC TV FAN

    1. Classic TV Fan, I still haven't gotten into Matlock, but I probably will at some point. I like Larry Hagman a ton in I Dream of Jeannie, but have never watched Dallas.

  2. This is brilliantly hilarious!!!!

  3. "Now it was right then that Hamlet first started actin' like he wasn't all thar'"

    I screamed xD

  4. He also retells Romeo & Juliet in the first season of the Andy Griffith Show, talking about two feuding local hick families, which is hilarious.

    1. Charity, I remember that now! He really had a flair for timing, didn't he?

  5. Charity, I agree! When I first saw that ep(in the 80s) I thought that should be on cassette tape or something so people can listen to it whenever they want! A long time later I found out about ANDY's early career as a "storyteller" and that it had been on a record. CLASSIC TV FAN

    1. Classic TV Fan, I remember once hearing a routine of his called, "What it was, was Football" that had my family in stitches :-)

  6. Ack, this was hysterical! Thanks for sharing!


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