
Saturday, September 12, 2020

My Autumn 2020 To-Do List

It's still so stinking hot here that I could cry, but once in a while, I get a whiff of cool autumn air under all the humidity, which gives me hope for the future.

(All photos are mine.)

So I'm going to start working on my goals for this fall even if it doesn't *feel* like fall yet.  I'm stubborn that way!  Here's my list of things I'd like to do between now and Thanksgiving Day :-)

~ Write a short story

~ Start writing my Beauty and the Beast retelling

~ Read Roverandom by J. R. R. Tolkien

~ Participate in Heidi's read-along of The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien

~ Finish reading Swallows and Amazons by Arthur Ransome aloud to my kids

~ Read 1 other title for my Classics Club list

~ Read 7 other books off my TBR shelves

~ Read 2 books from the library

~ Read at least 1 book each month about/by someone who is not white

~ Watch 4 movies off my TBW shelves

~ Finish the blanket I'm crocheting for my 8-yr-old's bed

~ Make a new fall wreath

~ Go hiking

~ Toast marshmallows

That's all for this list, I think!  Happy autumn, everyone!


  1. That is an awesome photo of you reading The Hound of the Baskervilles! Have fun with all of these!

    1. Thank you, MC! It's from last fall, but I couldn't resist using it. I will probably end up rereading Baskervilles again this fall, so I thought it was fitting :-)

  2. This is a great list.
    It's only just started to feel like fall here. I kept thinking it was still August at the beginning of the month.

    1. Thanks, McKayla! We've had a few days that didn't quite hit 80 this week, which is a very hopeful sign indeed.

  3. Its still like a sauna here but cooling I think, this coming week will be 70's. Last year it was hot until the end of October.

    Mmm, smores!

    1. Livia Rachelle, yeah, it's not cool here yet, but it's cooler, and I'll take what I can get. Supposed to be in the 70s here several days this week. Whew!

      Our summer definitely lingers through September here, alas.

  4. The humidity and heat are just the worst, man. Mosquitoes have been eating me alive. I hate it.

    Good luck on your BatB retelling!!! :D I'm excited for you!!

    1. Katie, they are. It's cooled off a lot this week -- only supposed to be highs in the sixties over the weekend! SUCH a relief!

      Thanks :-) I am getting it better into focus and feel like I just need a few more pieces to fall into place before I can start writing it.

  5. Fun list! All the fall-themed story goodness. I love it.

  6. Hi! The movies you sent me came today! Thank-you! I look forward to trying them all!

    1. VT, hooray! I'm so glad they arrived safely -- thanks for letting me know! I hope you enjoy them :-)

  7. Ooh, such a deliciously autumnal list! It's still pretty fairly hot here, though it's cracking juuuuust slightly -- enough that I've ventured out to actually start rolling up my sleeves and taking charge of the fall garden plans. (I'm so excited!! It's just been in watering survival mode for weeks and turned into an absolute jungle.)

    (And thank you for the LOTR shout out! ;) <3) I'm getting so excited for your party next week, just have to get busy on my extra post for it and hoping it all comes together nicely. (*coughs* I, um, got kinda distracted working on another P&P '05 post that's scheduled to go up the week after. *dropping a broad and hopefully mysterious hint before sweeping out in a dramatic exit* ;D)

    1. Heidi, fall garden plans do sound fun! I bought four tiny purple mums to add to my container garden last weekend :-)

      I'm working on my posts for the Tolkien party this afternoon too, trying to get the party games worked up ahead of time. Saves my sanity during the party!

      Your hint is verrrrrrrrry intriguing...

  8. I love these posts of yours. :D Also, can I just say I really admire how that you do (or at least try to do) while being so busy! I don't know many women who have children (home schooling, no less) and are able to read that much and do so many of their passions and hobbies, and I think it's awesome that you've proved that if you really want to do something, you can.
    (Anyways, super random, but I really wanted to say it. ;))

    Would you mind if I borrowed your idea (and change it a little) and do a similar post of my own? You've inspired me, hehe. :D

    1. Thank you, Gabby! I seem to thrive on having Things To Do, especially when they are things of my choosing that build me up in some way, like reading books and flexing my creative muscles. Sometimes I do get a bit overwhelmed, though, and have to make myself say No or let go of a project or idea. I like my days to be full, but not hectic, you know? Sometimes I'm better at finding that balance than others.

      I am convinced that a person is a better parent when they do not make their children the focus of their every waking thought. I have seen people do that, and it does not appear to make their kids happier, or them. And when their kids leave home, they get bored, lonely, even depressed because they have no interests not centered around their children, and now their children are gone. My own mom showed me that, while much of her life did involve her children because she homeschooled us, she could have interests of her own. She always had a book of her own she was reading for pleasure, besides the things she read to us. She loves to cross-stitch and crochet and always had a project going, often something to give to someone for an anniversary or new baby or whatever. So I had a good example to follow!

      I would be so honored if you borrowed this idea and riffed on it for your own post! I was actually inspired to start these by Naomi Bennet of Wonderland Creek back in 2015 when she posted a similar list!

    2. Yes, that makes perfect sense and I can definitely relate! It's always a balance.

      Wow, that's such a great thought. I hadn't really considered it before, although subconsciously I have noted the results. I like that, and I think you have a point. :)

      Thank you! And wow! There you go, haha. :D

  9. The cover of that book is gorgeous! I think I need to get it, great list!

    1. Skye, you mean Jane of Lantern Hill? Yessssss, I love it. Thanks!

  10. goodness you'll be busy - wishing you joy & success :)


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