
Sunday, September 06, 2020

Here Comes the Sunshine Blogger Award Again

Sally Silverscreen of 18 Cinema Lane has nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger Award.  Thank you, Sally!  These are always such fun :-)


1. Thank the blogger who nominated you in the blog post and link back to their blog.
2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
3. Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
4. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.


1. What is your favorite snack?

Brownies.  Thick, fudgy brownies with no frosting, in particular.

2. Is there a television show episode that you like, but other people do not?

Definitely.  I've always liked the Combat! episode "A Little Jewel" (1963), and I was shocked when I got to know other fans and discovered that many people find it annoying!

3. What was the last movie you saw?

I watched The Blue Dahlia (1946) on the third to celebrate Alan Ladd's birthday.  And to refresh my memory on it because I'm writing an article about it for the upcoming Halloween Femnista issue.  It's one of my absolute favorite Alan Ladd films, and the story and screenplay were written by my favorite author, Raymond Chandler.  Hearing his snappy dialog come out of Alan Ladd's mouth is so delicious!

4. Are there any blog posts that you plan on publishing in 2021? If so, what will it be?

Well, I'm hoping to lead a pirate-themed blog party or blogathon in January or February.  And I assume I'll hold my annual Tolkien blog party on my book blog a year from now, too.

5. Which book would you tell your friends to stay away from?

Hmm.  The Vampire Lestat by Anne Rice really disturbed me, and I ended up not finishing it because it was putting me in a really dark place both emotionally and spiritually.  So I would advise most people to stay away from it.

6. Did you perform a random act of kindness lately? If so, what was it?

Well, I let someone who had only two things go in front of me in the really long line at Pet Smart yesterday.

7. Has there been a moment where you’ve stepped out of your comfort zone? If you want, share your experience!

I'm pretty shy, so something like saying 'hi' to a new person at church puts me out of my comfort zone.  But I do it anyway.

8. What was the last thing to make you laugh?

This open letter from William Shatner to Space Force.  It's hilarious.  You should read it.

9. Which movie scene is your favorite?

ONE MOVIE SCENE?  Madness.  I can choose a favorite scene from individual movies, sure.  But one movie scene out of all the thousands of movies I've seen and the hundreds of movies that I love so much I call them a favorite?  No.

Fine.  I will say that the whole brumby round-up sequence that is the climax of The Man from Snowy River (1982) is my favorite section of my favorite movie, so I guess that works?

10. What is your least favorite Christmas song?

That stupid one that goes "Last Christmas, I gave you my heart.  The very next day, you gave it away.  This year, to save me from tears, I'll give it to someone special."  Is it completely nonsensical, because why wouldn't you make sure someone was special BEFORE you gave them your heart?  And who gives hearts as Christmas presents?  But even worse, it gets stuck in my head.  Blech.

11. Is there a theatrically released film you’d like to see when it’s a little safer (due to less Coronavirus cases) to visit the cinema?

I fully intend to go see many movies this fall, such as No Time to Die and Black Widow.  I'm sure there are others I'm not recalling at the moment.

And now, it's time to nominate 11 other bloggers for this award.  I hereby nominate:

And here are your 11 questions to answer!

1.  What's something good that's happened to you this year?
2.  What was your favorite movie when you were ten years old?
3.  Have you ever discovered you now like a movie or book that you used to dislike?
4.  How long have you been blogging?
5.  What's your favorite joke?
6.  What's a movie or book that people are surprised to learn you enjoy?
7.  Do you play croquet?
8.  How many blog posts have you published?
9.  What's the next book you plan to read?
10. What's the next movie you plan to watch?
11.  Do you want to build a snowman?

Play if you want to!


  1. Thanks for the tag, I'm excited to fill it out!! :D

    Lol! I like the song "Last Christmas," but "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" really bothers me because it feels melancholy in a way I don't like. I'm all for melancholy, but it has to be my particular kind of melancholy, you know?

    1. Katie, yay! Looking forward to your answers.

      "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" is supposed to be melancholy because it's from a very sad part of the movie Meet Me in St. Louis when NO ONE is having a merry Christmas at all... but it ends happily, I promise.

  2. Yo ho ho, very much looking forward to your piratical party next year (but you know that XD).

    Gotta run, but enjoyed all your answers and just put mine up -- yay and thank you!

    1. Heidi, yes! It will be a fun one.

      Looking forward to reading your post :-)

  3. UGH THAT CHRISTMAS SONG. You expressed my feelings exactly.

    You know. I will watch The Man From Snowy River, one of these days. I will.

    Thanks for the tag!

    1. Megan, I know, right? It's so stupid.

      I hope you do like The Man from Snowy River when you get a chance to watch it! :-)

  4. Brownies are my favorite!! I don't even like chocolate, but I love them.

    That scene from TMFSR is amazing! I was so stunned the first time I saw it!

    1. MC, I don't see how anyone could not like brownies. Mmm, so magically delicious.

      Want to know something cool about that scene from TMFSR where Jim rides down that steep hill? That's really Tom Burlinson, not a stunt double, and before that film, he really didn't know how to ride a horse. He learned for the film, and by the end, he was that good. So cool. And there are no camera tricks to make it look steeper.

    2. Whoa!! That is so, so, so cool! Thank you for telling me!

  5. Thanks for the nomination! :)

    That letter from Shatner is hilarious. Good to know he has a quirky sense of humor. It's hard to beat a really good brownie for a snack. So yummy. It's been at last a decade since I've watched The Blue Dahlia, but I remember liking it a lot. That's a good choice for an article. I'm actually going to the theater on Monday with my sister to see the new Nicholas Nickleby movie. So far, we are the only ones with tickets in the entire auditorium! So funny. I'm a little nervous about going, but I didn't want to miss seeing this one in theaters.

    1. You're welcome, Carissa!

      Shatner is hilarious. He has a great sense of humor, and as he's aged, he's learned not to take himself tooooo seriously, I think.

      I want to see the new Dickens movie too! I've been to two movies in the last couple weeks -- I took my girls to see The Greatest Showman (there were 2 other people there), and this week, I went to see a memorial showing of 42 in honor of Chadwick Boseman (there were 7 other people there). I hope you have an enchanting, safe time! Our theaters here are requiring masks, spaced-out seating, and capping their attendance capacity at like 1/3. Which, so far, doesn't seem to be even close to getting reached. I felt just as safe going to the movies as I do going to buy groceries. I hope you have a lovely time!

  6. Mmm, brownies. That's a solid choice, right there.

    Ahhh, so many fun blog-party goodies coming up. :D

    Thanks for tagging me! It was fun to answer your questions. :D

    1. Olivia, yeah. Mmmmm, brownies. Now I want one. Hmmm.

      Trying to catch up on blog stuff this weekend before the Tolkien party starts, so hope to read your answers soon!

  7. Thanks for the tag! I've had a couple books that put me in a dark place too, thanks for the warning.

    1. You're welcome, Skye! Yeah, books can be powerful in the wrong way sometimes.


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