
Tuesday, June 23, 2020

"One Bad Apple" Advance Reader Copies Available!

EDIT: All my copies have been claimed!  Thank you so much, everyone!  You're so awesome!

One Bad Apple releases on July 28, five weeks from today!  So it's high time to start rustling up some advance readers.  If you would like to receive an ARC, please fill out this Google Form.  I will not use the email address you provide there for any purpose other than to send you an email with information on how to download your free copy.  You will be able to download your copy by the end of June.

Like my previous books, this is around 250 pages. It's Christian fiction, aimed mostly at teen readers, but enjoyable for adults and some younger readers too. Like every book and story in my Once Upon a Western collection, One Bad Apple is a non-magical retelling of a fairy tale set in the Old West. This time, I'm retelling "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs."

I'm going to try something new this year.  Instead of me sending an e-copy to advance readers via email, I'm going to use the BookFunnel website.  This should streamline the process for me and help you be certain that any file you download is totally safe because it's from a respected website, not me sending it from my laptop.

I will not be providing unlimited e-copies for free, so this will be a first-come, first-served sort of thing.  Any questions?  Let me know in the comments here!

Stay tuned for information about my upcoming virtual book tour, a giveaway, and more!


  1. BookFunnel, in my opinion, works so well. I've used it several times and have found it super easy. In fact, I'm just getting ready in a couple of minutes to download a book to my kindle.

    1. Jennifer, I downloaded a book with BookFunnel a month ago and it was AWESOME, so I looked into using it myself. Very smooth. Glad you think so too!

  2. I'm glad that you were able to find advanced readers so quickly!

    1. Thanks, VT! Me too. It's a weight off my mind :-)

  3. Can't wait to read it! Might start tomorrow. :D

    1. Skye, oooooh, yay! I hope you dig it :-) Really, really hope so.


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