
Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Curriculum Potluck -- Article at Blest the House

I don't buy my curriculum from one specific place.  Back when my mom was homeschooling me in the '80s, that's the only way you could do it, buy everything for the grade from someplace like Abeka Books or Christian Liberty Academy.  But now, there are zillions of options out there for homeschoolers to choose from.  So that's what I do: I cherry-pick.

And, in my latest article for the homeschool blog Blest the House, I list off allllllll kinds of books and resources I use.  If you happen to have your kids home with you right now and happen to be scrambling to find ideas of ways to teach them, maybe this will help!  The article has lots of titles and many links.


  1. Have you tried Dance Mat Typing from BBC for your kids? That's how my sisters and I learned to type and I'm pretty fast. My mom has homeschooled me from many resources, but my favorite when I was really little was School House Rock!


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