
Friday, October 18, 2019

"The Lego Batman Movie" (2017) -- Initial Thoughts x 4

My kids and I just finished watching The Lego Batman Movie together for the first time.  Here are thoughts from them, labeled by whether they're my 12-yr-old, 9-yr-old, or 7-yr-old speaking, or just me, so you know who's saying what.

12: Everything is awesome!  No.  Um.  Um.  Somebody else talk.

9: Unikitty wasn't in it :-(  Must stay positive!

12:  I think Lord Business should have been in the Phantom Zone.

7: It was less cool than the Lego Movie.  It was more boring.  It was all "I'm trying to do the same thing" over and over.  In the Lego Movie, they did more random stuff.

12: About half the movie was embarrassing dithering before anything exploded.

9: Wyldstyle should have been in it.

12: Also, the Talking Brick's boss (and voice) should have been Unikitty.

Me: What's something you liked about it?

9: It had lots of explosions.

7: I don't really have anything that I liked about it.  Except Robin was cute.

12: It was all Lego and not like the Lego Ninjago Movie. Also, Batman's riff on "Everything is Awesome" was funny.

So... they kind of weren't big fans of it.  I think that's probably because this was their first Batman movie ever, so a lot of the jokes about Batman history stuff weren't funny to them.  And come to think of it... the only other superhero movie they've ever seen is The Incredibles, which is ALSO a loving spoof of superhero movies... and if you don't know the genre, spoofing it isn't very funny.

Which is why I totally loved it, since I adore superhero movies, as you may have noticed.  All the little nods to Batman history and to the superhero genre in general were AWESOME.  Just, so funny.  Robin saying "Holy family photo, Batman," and all the little snippets of the previous Batman movies/shows ("that weird one in the sixties" cracked me up so much), plus that thing where they did the sound effects as words ("Bam!" POW!") and just... it was perfect.  I totally dug it.

And can we talk about the bad guys they gathered?  Voldemort, Sauron, Daleks, King Kong... that was brilliant.  (And I was just heartily amused that Ralph Fiennes was voicing Alfred, and then Voldemort showed up, and... that made me laugh.)

Plus... as my son said above, it looked like Lego bricks, just like The Lego Movie.  Not just animated cartoon characters who sorta looked like Lego people wandering around a generic animated world (not a Lego Ninjago Movie fan, gotta say).  Totally dug that.

The story line of "everyone needs a family" and stuff was a little touchy-feely, but that's what made it funny, cuz Batman was so "I'm allergic to touchy-feely things".  (And then he's addicted to rom-coms -- sooooo amusing).  Plus, even God says it's not good for people to be alone, so... not gonna argue with it.

That's about all I have to say about it, I guess.  Don't think it's one I'll watch over and over and over, but it's definitely something I'll pull off the shelf for a laugh from time to time.


  1. I loved reading your kids' thoughts!! So cute!! *heart eyes*

    Eva wants me to watch this one . . . I keep thinking about it! But, I kind of hated The Lego Movie so maybe watching another one in the same franchise isn't a good idea. But I suppose Batman might make it more fun for me. I'm not sure.

    1. Katie, glad you enjoyed it!

      This definitely had a different vibe from The Lego Movie, but was similar in style, if that makes sense.

  2. Your kids' thoughts are so great! This wasn't my favorite, but there were some funny bits and I appreciated that because when I watched it I had just had all my wisdom teeth pulled a few hours before and I couldn't feel my face. The best things about it were all the villains that they included! The descriptions of each were hilarious.

    1. MC, oh, this would be perfect to watch right after having wisdom teeth out! Light and funny and not hard to follow. But yes, the villains just kicked the whole thing up a notch.

  3. Hahah! Awesome comments from them! That was totally fun to read! I haven't seen this one and probably never well (double-dislikes... legos AND batman... so nope, that's not happening! Although, I shouldn't say never, cuz I got dragged to the Lego2 movie against my will) but that just made the review even more fun to read. Also love the contrast between you and the kids. Hee!!

    1. DKoren, yeah, the stuff that makes this fun for me is not stuff that works for you, so... you have other movies to watch yet in your life and don't have to seek this one out.

      I cracked up too, cuz we were opposite on the Ninjago movie -- they thought it was fun, and I thought it was lame.

  4. I watched this maybe last year, to see. I think I found some things funny in the first part but it got old really fast and then really boring. I wonder if the first Lego movie would be funnier or if its really just not my style of humor.

    1. Livia Rachelle, I think The Lego Movie works best for people who were/are really into Legos, either as a kid or as an adult. It's got a similar style to this, but a much sunnier/more carefree vibe. I like it much better than this one, though on my first viewing, I was just kind of ho-hum about The Lego Movie. But the second time, I really dug it.

    2. Oh, I loved Legos as a kid, quite frankly I could still build stuff now, I'm a kinesthetic type person, I thought that part of the animation clever, it's just the other humor, not so much.

    3. Humor really is incredibly subjective, so... who knows?


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