
Thursday, June 27, 2019

Saw it in the Movies Tag

Movie Critic tagged me with this, and you know I like tags, so here goes :-)

The rules: 
+ Pick at least 3 things that you have done from a movie. It can be any movie, anything you did.
+ Tell how the event worked out.
+ Link back to the tag's creator and the person who tagged you.
+ Have fun.
+ Tag 4 people.
+ Use the header.

Um, yeah, so I do a lot of stuff because of movies.  Mostly I just say particular words and phrases in specific ways because of movies or because of actors.  Like I tend to say the word "horrible" like Gene Kelly does -- more like "harrible."  Just because.  Or instead of saying "something like that" to reply to someone, I always say, "Something like this, yes," like Illya (Armie Hammer) in Man from U.N.C.L.E. (2015).

But sometimes I DO things because of movies too.  Like these:

I spent countless minutes as a child practicing my fast draw.  Because all my cowboy heroes had a fast draw.  I learned two important lessons:  1. If your gun doesn't fit in your holster, it's not going to work very well, and 2. I'd better not get in any gunfights where the speed of my draw is going to matter.  I'm a pretty good shot with a rifle and an okay shot with a pistol, but I do not have anything you could even pretend was a fast draw.  At least not with plastic pistols that don't really fit in my fake-leather gunbelt.

I got super excited when I was a newlywed because my husband bought liverwurst at the grocery store one day.  See, there's a little scene in White Christmas (1954) where Bing Crosby tells Rosemary Clooney that if you eat liverwurst before bed, you'll dream about liverwurst, and I spent a lot of my adolescence wondering if that was true.  And wondering what liverwurst tasted like.  My mom hates all things liver, so she never bought us liverwurst.  Well, I'm here to tell you that I really enjoy liverwurst sandwiches, especially if they have thinly sliced onions on them, but I've never actually dreamed about liverwurst after eating one.  Maybe I need to eat them closer to bedtime.

I once ran down my parents' driveway yelling, "I'm going on an adventure!" like Bilbo Baggins in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012).  I was like 35 at the time.  My mom thought I'd gone mad.  Again.

I used to spend a lot of time trying to learn how to roll a coin between my fingers like Val Kilmer does as Doc Holliday in Tombstone (1993).  So much time.  Never did figure it out.  My brother did, though.  I think the trick might be to use a bigger coin than a quarter.

Okay, that's four things.  Good enough.  I hereby tag:

Anna & Irene at Horseback to Byzantium
Eva at Coffee, Classics, and Craziness
Grace and Katherine at Maidens of Green Gables
Kate Gabrielle at The Films in My Life

Play if you want to!


  1. Love that Alan Ladd gif!

    I love the White Christmas one. XD I've always wondered about that, too.

    Haha, The Hobbit one! That is totally something that I would do! :)

    1. MC, I love it too! I love it because most gifs of that scene just end with Joey's goggle-eyed look, but this one goes all the way through Shane's grimness, which just makes that scene what it needs to be.

      Glad I'm not the only one who got to wondering about liverwurst thanks to that movie!

      And um, yeah, I've done the Hobbit thing more than once, tbh...

  2. Replies
    1. Um, thanks? :-D I got all excited last night because I discovered that this little free flyer with pioneer recipes that Cowboy found me at the National Road & Zane Grey Museum while we were on vacation... had a recipe for "flannel cakes" in it. Which are a prominent part of the book Shane. I made them this morning while listening to the Shane movie soundtrack and was filled with joy.

      So, um, yeah, I do a ton of things because of movies and books. Which most people never even realize.

    2. (I just realized that made it sound like Zane Grey wrote Shane, and he didn't, it was Jack Schaefer. No connection, no idea why that recipe was at that museum.)

  3. That coin thing looks impressive. Thanks for tagging us! This looks really fun. Have to get working on it...

    1. Anna and Irene, I know! Isn't that cool? And he does it for a loooong time, too, not just those few seconds.


    2. Finally did it! Thanks again for tagging us :D

    3. Yay! I will check it out, Anna & Irene.

  4. Hee, love your things! Yeah, the coin roll's a good one (definitely have to see that one again asap) and particularly love your Bilbo moment. (Isn't that the great thing about being grown up though?? We don't have to worry as much about acting all grown up all the time. That's the way I see it anyway. ;D)

    1. Heidi, yeah, it's been years since I watched Tombstone. I've been in a Wyatt & Doc mood lately.

      And yes, being an adult does have its perks ;-)

  5. Liverwurst is delicious and I eat it all the time. But I've never dreamed about it, either. ;-)

    1. Katie, I have *daydreamed* about liverwurst, so maybe that kinda counts?

  6. love that you quote Illya! He's hilarious.

    1. Skye, I quote that whole movie alllll the time, but especially Illya cuz he's a me-character :-)

  7. Wanting to draw a gun fast has always been a thing for me too. Never had a good enough gun or holster though. :)

    1. Rakayle, glad I'm not alone in that wish! And yeah, I think a proper gun and holster would help a lot, heh.

  8. There are two new posts on the western page. Thank you.

    1. VT, do you mean the announcement page about the Legends of Western Cinema Week? If so, yes, I've seen them. We're not doing a "sign up roster" keeping track of what people want to contribute, as there are three blogs hosting this and that would be too tricky. If you just were pointing out I hadn't replied to them yet, well, I have now ;-) I had company for 5 days and was spending time with them instead of on the computer.

    2. Hi Hamlette - that Anonymous wasn't me! You seem to have two anonymous non-bloggers commenting now, how confusing! - VT

    3. VT, OOPS! Sorry 'bout that. Answering all my blog comments from my short hiatus got confusing :-(

  9. I am ever on the hunt for a rolltop desk like the one in His Girl Friday

    I may have purchased a trenchcoat-style rain coat at a second hand store despite living in a desert saying "oh heck, all the film noir people have one, why can't I?" (I love it when it rains a lot so I can wear it - and it works much better then my other rain jacket)

    and... one of the re-occurring characters in my western short series just may have started out looking an awful lot like Hollywood Doc Holliday, (although I think I've managed to bury the influence fairly well now - he's still got "consumption.") That has worked out well so far, my second short story in the series is going to be published soon!

    (I have also tried to flip a coin between my fingers and failed miserably.) - VT

    1. VT, nice! I had a trench coat when I was a teen. I wonder what happened to it.

      Who's your favorite Hollywood Doc Holliday? I love Val Kilmer's best, but gotta admit Jason Robards' is a close second. Best of luck on your short story series!

    2. I haven't seem them all and I haven't seen many of them recently, but I'll put in a like for Kirk Douglas. - VT

    3. VT, Kirk Douglas is definitely excellent!


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