
Sunday, September 09, 2018

"Dancing and Doughnuts" Giveaway Winners!

My book tour officially ended yesterday, and so did the giveaways associated with it.  This afternoon, the Rafflecopter widgets have spoken, so I can announce the winners!!!

The winner of the blog tour prize pack, shown above, is...

Betsy Waggoner

Congratulations, Betsy!

I also held a giveaway open only to those who hosted blog tour stops, and the winner for that is...

Annie from The Western Desk

Annie will get to choose either autographed copies of both Cloaked and Dancing and Doughnuts OR a $15 Amazon gift certificate.  Congratulations to you too, Annie!

Everyone else, I'm sorry you didn't win :-(  I guess you'll just have to buy your own copy, or convince your library to get it, or put it on your Christmas list.  Right?  Right!


  1. Awwwwwwwwwwwwww yay!!!! Congratulations, guys! :D :D

    (I'm totally asking my library to get a copy ;-) as well as buying my own!)

  2. Wahoo!! Congratulations to the winners!!!!


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