
Monday, August 13, 2018

Announcing the Official "Dancing and Doughnuts" (Virtual) World Tour

I've never gone on a blog tour.  Or a book tour.  But there's a first time for everything!

I'm setting up a tour for my upcoming release, Dancing and Doughnuts, and this post right here is me calling for people to sign up to help host it!  Which does NOT mean saying you'll let me sleep on a couch in your basement between book signings.

Actually, since I've never hosted a blog tour, maybe it does involve that?  I'm not sure?

No, seriously, what it really means is you'll post a review of my book or an interview with me on your blog.  Or your YouTube channel.  Or your IGTV channel.  Or whatever way you want to participate.  I'm really open to all ideas because... I've never done this before.

(Did I mention I'm new at this?)

ALL hosts of "stops" on this book tour will be eligible to enter a giveaway!  The prize?  Either autographed copies of both Cloaked and Dancing and Doughnuts OR a $15 Amazon gift card, winner's choice.

EDIT:  That giveaway will be open world-wide.  If you don't live in the US and you win and choose the Amazon gift card, we can figure out together how for me to get you a card that will work in your country. 

Don't think of it as me bribing you, just think of it as me showing my appreciation ;-)

I do already have a couple gigs lined up -- one Facebook launch party for my book and a bunch of other indie books at the end of the month, for instance.  That promises to be nifty.

Anyway!  The dates I'm looking at would be August 26 through September 8.  If you've got an open slot in your blogging or Instagramming or YouTubing or Whatevering schedule and would like to be part of this tour, let me know by emailing me at rachelkovaciny a gmail dot com.  Put something like "Blog Tour" in the subject line, not "My Basement Has No Couch, So It's The Cold, Hard Concrete for You, Pal."  Just cuz I'm getting old and my knees and hips and shoulders and neck and back can't really deal with sleeping on concrete anymore.

And yes, if you're one of my ARC readers, your review of my book on your blog would TOTALLY be eligible for this.


Agree or disagree? That is the question...

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(Rudeness and vulgar language will not be tolerated.)