
Tuesday, May 29, 2018

"Dancing and Doughnuts" Cover Reveal

Here it is!!!!!

Do you love it?  I love it.  It's from the same artist who did the cover for Cloaked and my short story "No Match for a Good Story" and I think it continues the look of my series so perfectly.

What's this book about?  Well, someone's been spiking the apple cider at a Kansas dance hall owned by a family with twelve daughters.  No one in the small town has been able to find the culprit.  A hungry Civil War veteran drifts into town and decides he's going to solve this mystery for them and earn the reward the family is offering.  It's my version of "The Twelve Dancing Princesses," which is probably my favorite fairy tale.

I'll be releasing this in August, and I'll be calling for ARC readers a month or so before the release, so stay tuned for that if you like reading free books before the rest of the world gets their hands on them!  Meanwhile, Dancing and Doughnuts already has a Goodreads page, so click here to access that and add it to your to-read list!

Meanwhile, feel free to visit me elsewhere online to interact with me in other places and ways!  I've got an author website where you can sign up for my newsletter, a Goodreads author page, a Facebook page, an Instagram account, and an Amazon author page.

Tell me what you think of the cover!  Doesn't it blend well with the previous two?


  1. Looks good to me. Love the details on the shoes! I love The Twelve Dancing Princesses story, I don't know about you, but I always feel that one is a bit underrated compared to some of the other tales. Maddy

    1. Maddy, I'm glad you like it! I thiiiiiiink that 12DP is my favorite fairy tale (Cinderella and Rapunzel give it a run for its money), and there aren't a lot of retellings out there, so I was really excited to get an idea for one of my own!

  2. Oh, it looks so cute!!! I reminds me a little bit of the Little House on the Prairie covers. :)

    1. Thanks, Gabby! And you know, I can kinda see that! Maybe my cover artist had that in mind, never know.

    2. Yeah I was gonna say the same haha! I love it!

    3. Naomi, awwww, really? That's so cool! I love the Little House books!

  3. Oh, I love it! It matches your other covers perfectly!

    1. Hayden, I think so too! I love the style she's got for these, how they're all similar, but yet distinct so you know they're an anthology series, not about the same characters all the time.

  4. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh . . . it's so cute!!! I love how soft and textured the skirt and the trousers look :D Like you could stroke them and they'd feel like real fabric! And her shoes are so fancy!

    1. Jessica, I know! Aren't they just delightfully real-yet-not? And the shoes are very fancy :-) I would wear them!

  5. *shakes head* I leave the blogging world for five *ahemmonthsahem* minutes and so many people are publishing new novels! It's so wonderful! What a beautiful cover and a fascinating sounding story! I'm adding it to goodreads asap... Congratulations!

    1. Lizzy, well... this is what you get for leaving! :-D Thanks! I'm so glad you like it -- I can't wait to have the whole book done and in everyone's hands!

  6. I love it, it fits so well with the other two!

  7. It looks awesome! I can't wait to read it! :D

    1. Thanks, MC! I can't wait until it's out in the world, hee :-)


Agree or disagree? That is the question...

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