
Saturday, February 03, 2018

A Liebster Award!

Eva at Coffee, Classics, and Craziness hath bestowed upon me the Liebster Award.  Many thanks, lovely Eva!

The Rules

~Acknowledge the blog that gave it to you and display the award
~Answer the 11 questions that the blogger gives you
~Give 11 random facts about yourself
~Nominate 11 blogs
~Notify those blogs of their nomination
~Give them 11 questions to answer (all part of the fun!)

Eleven Random Facts About Hamlette:

1.  I've been using the nickname 'Hamlette' in one venue or another since 1998.
2.  I generally wear 2-4 silicone bracelets, each bearing a significant movie/play quotation.*
3.  I'm allergic to nickel.
4.  I have been to Boston in the fall.
5.  I prefer cheesecake to strudel.
6.  Orange is my least-favorite color.
7.  I used to hate the color red, but now I love it, thanks to Thor.
8.  My parents have a dog named Thor, but he's not named after the superhero.
9.  I pretend he is.
10.  If I had been a boy instead of a girl, I would have been named John.
11.  My children have three uncles named "John."

Eleven Questions from Eva:

What will keep you from finishing a book?  Gratuitous sex, extreme amounts of bad language, and/or distasteful violence.  And part of that is dependent on the genre and intended audience for a book -- I'll skim over a love scene in an adult thriller that would make me toss aside a cute romance, or write an angry diatribe about a torture scene in a YA book that wouldn't phase me in a WWII-based spy novel.  Audience and intention are key.

Opinion of scented candles?  Love them!  Especially the ones from Bubble and Geek.  I'm serious -- if you're into themed candles that smell amaaaaaazing, they are so worth getting.

Batman or Superman?  Um, depends?  Neither of them are favorites of mine.

Unless he's played by Val Kilmer.  Then it's Batman ALL THE WAY.  Heart, heart, heart.  No question.  Soooooooooo I guess that means I prefer Batman to Superman?

Captain America or Iron Man?  Cap.  I mean, Tony Stark is basically Hamlet in a cool suit, with his smarts and his angst and his want-to-figure-out-the-world thing going on, but I still prefer Cap.

How long do you typically leave Christmas decorations up after Christmas?  Until after January 7, which is Ukrainian Christmas.  Cowboy's parents were missionaries in Ukraine when he was a teen, so we still have a special place in our hearts for Ukrainian things and events.

What’s your favorite blog and why?  Sidewalk Crossings, because it's written by my best friend.

If you could give any person in the world a hug right now, who would it be?  My best friend!  I haven't seen her in over a year, and that is dirty, rotten, and wrong.  (And also stinkin' and lousy.)

Favorite royal personage? (Historical or modern)  Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm.  Royalty is not a big thing for me, I guess?  Maybe Princess Grace of Monaco?  Just cuz I like her movies?

Movie or book that you hated as a child but love now?  Well, I wasn't a child, but as a teen I positively loathed 3:10 to Yuma (1957).  (Did you ask this question just so I could say that, Eva?)

Favorite flavor?  Of what?  I mean, I love mint, but I think minty cheese would be weird.  I love peanut butter, but I think peanut-butter-flavored coffee would be weird.  So yeah, um... overall, possibly mint?

Oxford comma: yes, no, or sometimes?  YES.

Okay, now you know lots and lots of things about me.  Time to move on.

I Now Nominate These Blogs:

Finding Wonderland
Meanwhile, in Rivendell
Movies Meet Their Match
Ramblings of a Redhead Girl
Sidewalk Crossings
The Midnite Drive-In

(I KNOW that's not eleven.  But I couldn't think of 11 bloggers who watch enough modern movies to be interested.  If YOU watched enough movies in 2017 that you want to fill out the tag below, then YOU are now nominated!!!)

The Questions My Nominees Must Answer:

If you got to choose the Oscar winners this year, who would you select as winners for the follow categories, only using movies released in 2017?  (PLEASE NOTE:  You can use the same move for more than one category.  The Academy does that all the time.)(ALSO, you don't have to stick to the official nominations.  Ignore them.  Do this your way.)

1.  Best Picture
2.  Lead Actor
3.  Lead Actress
4.  Supporting Actress
5.  Supporting Actor
6.  Director
7.  Costume Design
8.  Screenplay
9.  Original Song
10.  Original Score
11.  Visual Effects

That's all for today :-)  Happy February, everyone!

*If you were wondering which 4 significant quotations I wear around my wrist every day right now, they are:   "All right, let's do this."  "You doing okay, Cowboy?"  "Because that's what heroes do."  "The readiness is all."  They're from The Lone Ranger, The Man from UNCLE, Thor: Ragnarok, and Hamlet, respectively.


  1. I'm definitely doing this tag.

    1. Best picture: The Last Jedi. This isn't really even a question. All the 2017 movies I saw were fun; but TLJ was the one that really nestled itself deep into my soul and stayed there. And only a genuinely good movie can do that.
    2. Lead actor: Mark Hamill, The Last Jedi. Again, there's no contest here. *crying*
    3. Lead actress: Gal Gadot, Wonder Woman. She was just so radiant and joyful, it's really hard now for me to imagine anyone else in her role. She embodied it completely.
    4. Supporting Actress: Michelle Pfeiffer, Murder on the Orient Express. *shivers thinking about That One Scene*
    5. Supporting Actor: Do voice actors count? If so, Ewan McGregor in Beauty and the Beast caused me to tear up quite a lot--more than any CGI candlestick has a right to.
    6. Director: Patty Jenkins, Wonder Woman. Excellent work.
    7. Costume Design: Is this even a question? Beauty and the Beast.
    8. Screenplay: Greatest Showman. If only for Zac and Zendaya's scenes. But really for all of them.
    9. Original Song: "This Is Me," Greatest Showman. I mean COME ON. It was BRILLIANT.
    10. Original Score: Also Greatest Showman. Because yes.
    11. Visual Effects: Beauty and the Beast, because it was beautiful.

    Also, I really love the idea of wearing quote-bracelets :) Do you make them yourself, or do you have them made specially, or is there somewhere you can buy them?

    1. Jessica, oh my word, we should have been the ones to nominate!!!!

    2. Jessica, I would go along with many of your answers here. Esp. those involving The Greatest Showman and Beauty and the Beast.

    3. They were very much alike, in a way. Both such beautiful, showy, musical SPECTACLES. Hollywood please take note: we like those movies.

    4. Jessica, I just realized I never answered your question about the wristbands I wear! I've gotten some really nice leather ones from various Etsy shops in the past, but I have a bad habit of forgetting to take them off before showers or washing dishes and thus ruining them, so now I wear silicon ones 90% of the time. I get them from Wristbands Now, which has sales and coupons a few times a year. They last a long time, and I have ordered from them I think five times over the past 4 years or so.

    5. Oh wow!! That's so cool--I love how they're customizable so you can get just the right quote :D (Don't worry, I completely forgot that I asked you that, lol.)

  2. Hamlette, what a brilliant idea! I love it! Thanks for tagging me! I will be doing this one soon!!

    Minty cheese! That is so hilarious! I would not try that. But, maybe peanut butter coffee, as I don't really like coffee. ;-D

    1. Thanks, MC! I hope you have fun with it :-)

      No lie -- I have had chocolate cheese. It was fantastic. But I think minty cheese would be terrible. I suppose peanut butter coffee might be drinkable. Now, peanut butter hot chocolate might be fantastic!

  3. I did a Liebster Award a couple of years ago. I'm sure I could come up with 11 more random facts. However, since I've only seen maybe 3 movies from 2017, I couldn't possibly do justice to the questions. I'll be glad to answer just about any questions that aren't so esoteric, however.

    As far as your answers to the previous questions, just a couple of notes. First "What will keep you from finishing a book?" Well for me, that would be death (of me...) I mean if I actually finished "Catcher in the Rye" even though I thought it was a piece of crap, I guess I'll read anything once I start it...

    "How long do you keep up Christmas decorations?" Well, I don't bother, to tell the truth..."Bah, humbug" and all that...

    "Favorite flavor"? I play games on as "Will work for strawberries", so what do you think?

    1. Quiggy, not a problem! I never expect the people I tag to do the tags. I'll tag you with something else sometime!

      High five to another person who thought Catcher in the Rye was junk. I do quit reading books from time to time, but it's rare.

      Strawberries are possibly my favorite fruit. Certainly my favorite berry. My favorite fruit would be pears if they weren't so touchy.

  4. Aw, I love this post!

    Orange used to be my least favorite color, but now yellow is. And I've always liked red, I think.

    Love the quotes on your bracelets!

    Nope, I didn't ask that question with you in mind. :) To tell the truth, I didn't much like 3:10 the first time I watched it...but you know well how things have changed since then. ;)

    Awesome idea for your tag 'questions'. :)


    1. Thanks, Eva!

      Orange is too bright and aggressive for my taste. I used to feel the same way about red, but I've mellowed. Yellow though is touch-and-go for me -- I like a natural yellow like daffodils and roses, or buttery yellows. But not super bright yellows.

      Obviously, 3:10 just needs repeat watchings.

  5. OOH. That is my kind of question! I love Oscar season so very much. It's like my Super Bowl.

    1. Best Picture: The Shape of Water (which ABSOLUTELY earns its R rating, FYI). I've seen it marketed as "a fairytale for grown-ups," which I find accurate. I was both enchanted and haunted all at once. Having to explain the girl-falls-in-love-with-a-fish-man thing has been a little awkward in conversation, though. ;-)
    2. Lead Actor: Gary Oldman in Darkest Hour. Really transformative and impressive. (Special shoutout to Oscar Isaac in The Promise, which has been sadly underseen. It's not a perfect movie, but he is so good in it.)
    3. Lead Actress: Sally Hawkins in The Shape of Water. Anyone who can convey so much emotion without saying a single word throughout the whole movie is award-worthy in my book.
    4. Supporting Actress: Allison Janney in I, Tonya (another movie that very much earns its R rating). Holy cow, she is wicked in this movie.
    5. Supporting Actor: Oh, I am so torn! Richard Jenkins (The Shape of Water) was so charming and heartbreaking, but Sebastian Stan (I, Tonya) was so far removed from playing Bucky Barnes that I was impressed...and slightly horrified.
    6. Director: Christopher Nolan, for Dunkirk. I just really want that man to win an Oscar. Narrowing this one down was HARD. I wanted to put Kenneth Branagh, Taika Waititi, Patty Jenkins, and Guillermo del Toro all in there, too.
    7. Costume Design: Murder on the Orient Express! Beauty and the Beast had great costumes, too.
    8. Screenplay: Wonder. It was a lovely adaptation of a great children's book.
    9. Original Song: Evermore. This is Me. Never Enough. Three-way tie?
    10. Original Score: The Shape of Water once again. Such a lyrical soundtrack. I listen to it while writing. :-)
    11. Visual Effects: Kong: Skull Island. The visual effects are part of what made me fall in love with it, actually.

    What a fun question to pose! I love answering any and all movie questions. ;-)

    1. Claire, nice answers! I really want to see Darkest Hour, but haven't managed to.

  6. You've been to Boston in the fall?? πŸ˜„πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

  7. Lovely post! And when you said that you'd been to Boston in the fall, all I could think of were the Pirates Who Don't Do Anything. XD

    1. Thanks, Evangeline! And yup, that's what I was referencing :-)

  8. Thanks for the tag! That's such a creative way to go about it. :)

    Ooh, Bubble and Geek sounds promising.

    Ahh, the quotes are so cool. :D

    1. Thanks, Olivia! I thought it would be a fun change.

      Bubble & Geek candles are great. If you subscribe to their Facebook page, you get coupons and deals now and then. I LOVE every one of their candles I've gotten so far! And that's quite a few, as I bought some for myself and as gifts, and then got some for Christmas last year. They're wonderful.

  9. Aww, thanks! Eva nominated me as well, so that's two I have to answer now, although I'll only be able to answer a couple of yours, as I didn't see enough movies in 2017, and only a couple were worthy of Oscars. Also, we have some matching answers, which is amusing me. And it has been over a year now. Sigh.

    1. Dkoren, you're welcome! Play only if you want to :-) How fun that we had some similar answers! I'm guessing the mint-is-my-favorite-flavor one, maybe?

  10. This is SO much fun!! Loved reading your post.

    I'm not a "royal" aficionado either unless it's in my contemporary fiction (*ahem* Rachel Hauck) or Hallmark Channel romcoms. Then I'm a fangirl. I guess I should add the qualifier that I'm not a real-life royal fangirl.

    We leave our tree up until January 31st (dad's bday), and the rest of our decor is more wintery (evergreen), so we leave it up through February.

    Captain America = MY FAVORITE!

    Thanks so much for the Finding Wonderland shout-out. Love your spin on the Q's too. I'll plan to put this post together closer to the Oscars. :)

    1. Thanks, Rissi! Glad you enjoyed it :-)

      Does fangirling over royal people in Tolkien count? Cuz I can fangirl all day long and into the night over people like Bard (eventually a king) and Eomer (ditto).

      So cool that you stay decorated that long! I think my husband would grow increasingly irritable if I did, but I love that there are people who can just keep the festive look a long time.

      I hope you have fun with this one!

  11. This was fun. :D

    Haha, I would pretend that too, if I knew someone with a dog named Thor. :P

    Yesss Team Cap!!

    I love mint, too. :)

    Thanks so much for tagging me! It looks like such a fun tag! Unfortunately I'm bogged now with post ideas right now, so I'm not sure if I'll get around to it, but I appreciate it all the same. :)

    1. Thanks, Natalie! Glad it amused you :-) I have a bunch of tags I haven't gotten around to finishing lately, so I feel you on that. If you get around to doing this one, fine, but if not, no big :-)


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