
Wednesday, June 28, 2017

July Blogathons

Here's another of my heads-up posts where I let you know what events I'll be participating in soon.  If you're interested in joining one, they're all still taking entries!

July 1-3 is the Second Annual Olivia de Havilland Blogathon + Errol Flynn!  It's hosted by Phyllis Loves Classic Movies and In the Good Old Days of Classic Hollywood, and it's open to entries about either star -- or something they're both in.  Olivia de Havilland will be turning 101 on July 1!!!  So amazing that she's still with us.  I'll be reviewing Santa Fe Trail (1940) for this event.

Then, July 14-17 is the Swashathon, hosted by Movies Silently.  Any swashbuckling movie is eligible, and there are still plenty up for grabs!  I'll be reviewing The Three Musketeers (1993) for this event.

And finally, July 21-23 is the 007 Blogathon hosted by MaddyLovesHerClassicFilms.  There are quite a few James Bond films still not spoken for, so if you're a fan of that super-suave superspy, definitely check it out!  I'll be reviewing my favorite 007 movie of all time, GoldenEye (1995).


  1. I check de Havilland's IMDB page again. Still alive and thriving! Just an incredible life--even if we're just talking longevity and vitality! I saw her 1950s memoir was re-released a short while back--it sounds very witty!

    1. John, I did that too -- so cool that she's still alive and well! I would like to read her memoir sometime, but my library is silly and doesn't have it.

  2. Thanks for the shout-out :)

    1. You're welcome, Phyl :-) Working on my Olivia post today!

  3. Thanks for promoting the 007 Blogathon. Much appreciated. Maddy

  4. "Swashathon"--great name! Great-looking upcoming blogathons!

    1. John Smith, I agree! They came up with a real winner with that one.

  5. So cool that Olivia de Havilland is turning 101!!!!


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