
Thursday, June 01, 2017

"Five Poisoned Apples" Cover Reveal and Contest Info

Hey, guess what?  Today's the day that Rooglewood Press announces their final fairy tale retelling contest!  And I get to be part of the reveal.  Here it is!!!

I don't know about you, but I think this is the prettiest one yet.  The cover photo is by Wynter Clark, and the design is by Julia Popova, who also designed the previous covers in this series.

If you're interested in entering the contest, the official page is right here.

You know that I won the previous contest, and my story "The Man Buckskin Horse" is now available in Five Magic Spindles.  I'm excited to also announce today that I will be involved in the publication of Five Poisoned Apples too -- but this time as a judge!  That's going to be such fun.  In fact, I'm looking forward to it so much, I'm posting about it on both of my blogs!


  1. *blissful sigh* Isn't it gorgeous???? And I actually guessed the "Five Poisoned Apples" title beforehand :-)

    And you're going to be a judge? WOW. That should be lots of fun!

    (I just have to say, I'm ridiculously excited by the theme because it says 'A Tale So Dark and Lovely' and I'm like yaaaaaaaasssssssssssssssssssssssss . . . I can DO that. That's right up my alley ;-) )

    1. How cool you guessed the title! I knew it was going to be about Snow White from when they asked me to be a judge a month or so ago, but I didn't guess the title.

      This is definitely going to be a fun one! Are you thinking of entering?

    2. I sure am!! I have my story mostly planned out already; I was just waiting to be sure it was Snow White to work on it extensively. And now I'm ready to jump in and write! :-)

    3. That's, awesome, Jessica! Have fun :-)

    4. Thanks!! :-) I already am!

  2. That is a beautiful cover! And so cool that you get to be a judge for this one!

    1. Isn't it? I'm really excited to be judging it. Which won't start until like December or so, but something fun to look forward to!

  3. How exciting that you'll be a judge! I definitely want to enter this year - I wrote an entry for Five Magic Spindles a few years ago, but I did not have time to finish before the submission date. Here's hoping I can finish by the deadline this year! :-)

    1. Claire, good luck getting yours finished in time for the deadline! So cool you're hoping/planning to enter :-)

  4. That's SO cool that you'll be a judge! I'm thinking of entering, actually. :-)

    1. Naomi, I know -- I was so thrilled to be asked to judge it. How cool you're thinking of entering!

  5. That is so neat that you will be a judge! I also can't wait to read the different types of Snow White stories after the contest is finished and the book published.

    1. Ekaterina, yes! I'm excited to be a judge. And I can't wait for the finished product! I've got a space reserved for it on my bookshelf already :-)


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