
Saturday, April 15, 2017

Happy Birthday, Luke Evans!

Happy birthday, Mr. Evans :-)  I'm so happy I don't have to be mad at you because you took the role of Gaston anymore.  I'm sorry I doubted your ability to choose good roles.  Here's to many more!  (Birthdays for you, and movies of yours for me to watch.)


  1. He did a good job. I was proud of him.

  2. Happy birthday to him!! And yes, here's to many many more of both birthdays and movies!

  3. Haha, well, you can't have more movies if he doesn't get more birthdays. :P

    Happy Birthday Mr. Evans! I take my hat off to you, your acting skills and your grand singing voice.

    ~Miss Meg

    1. Miss Meg, exactly!

      And yeah, he's so delightful on both counts.

  4. Have you seen Johnson County War? That's my exposure to Luke Evans. It's an off-brand tv western and it's super good.

    1. Emma Jane, I think you're thinking of Luke Perry. He's in Johnson County War, not Luke Evans. I haven't seen it, but the idea of my Luke in a western had me hitting up superfast, believe you me.

    2. OH MY GOSH you're right. Duh. Excuse me while I go look for my brain. (But Johnson County War IS really good!)

    3. Don't worry, Emma Jane, they're both named Luke, so it's an honest mistake :-)

  5. I actually am not familiar with actor Luke Evans. I know he plays Gaston in Beauty and the Beast.
    Well, anyway, happy birthday Luk Evans.

    1. Rachel, yes, he plays Gaston. He's also perfectly wonderful as Bard the Bowman in the Hobbit movies. That's him as Bard up on my header right now.


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