
Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Pinterest Storyboards for "Cloaked" and "Hopeful"

Here it is!  My Pinterest storyboard for "Cloaked," my western reimagining of Little Red Riding Hood.  It's about an imaginative teen who travels to Wyoming to meet her grandmother, and there encounters a scheming bookkeeper intent on stealing her grandmother's ranch.  My story board is filled with casting ideas, locales, historical details, props, and even some costume thoughts.

I mentioned recently that I've finished writing the first draft of "Cloaked."  I'm working with an editor to really bring it into focus, and my plan right now is to release it as an ebook this summer.

Today, I'm also going to share the board for a story I'm still doing research and planning for.  I call it "Hopeful" right now, and it's a Snow White reimagining set during the 1870 "Exoduster" migrations when thousands of African Americans left the south for the wide frontier.  The history of that time is really fascinating, and I'm having a great time researching it.  I won't start writing "Hopeful" for a while yet, not until I've got "Cloaked" published and finish up another project, probably.  But it's coming!

I have to admit I've gotten kind of addicted to making these inspiration boards.  Sometimes, my best friend and I even use them to make up stories together, adding photos and seeing where the story takes us, though that was a lot more fun before Pinterest started hiding the comments, alas.

This post is my contribution to the Pinterest Storyboard Party 2017 hosted by Elisabeth Grace Foley.  If you'd like to see the boards I did for her party a couple of years ago, including the one for "The Man on the Buckskin Horse," my story that's included in the Five Magic Spindles anthology, you can read that post here.


  1. Your boards are amazing! So many great images and such great history. I was already excited for "Cloaked", and now I'm super excited for your Snow White retelling. The history behind it sounds fascinating, and I can't wait to see what you do with it.

    1. Thanks, Ashley! I totally stumbled on the history of the Exodusters about a month ago while just doing some general research into African Americans in the west, and I was like, "BOOM! YES! This is exactly what this story needs!"

  2. Your books sound great and I enjoyed looking through your boards. Thank you so much for commenting on my blog. I appreciate it. Feel free to follow me.

    1. Thanks, Gabrielle! I saw on your blog that you're majoring in History and English -- I majored in Liberal Arts, but minored in both of those!

    2. That is awesome, Hamlette!

  3. Maybe between the two of us, we can make Western fairytale retellings a new trend. :) These both look great—I love the Wyoming setting for "Cloaked," and it's always fascinating to see a story inspired by a tidbit of real history like "Hopeful" is. Thanks so much for joining the party!

    1. Elisabeth, yes -- you and I are going to start a movement, right? OR... you and I are going to be like Isaac Asimov and Robert Heinlein and just dominate the genre for years to come!

      BTW, I stumbled on the coolest site while researching stuff for "Cloaked" and just have to share. It's called The Big Map Blog and it has amazing maps from all periods in American history. REALLY detailed ones. I love it!

      Thanks again for hosting the party -- I hope you do it again some time!

  4. Both stories look awesome, but I'm especially intrigued by the idea of Hopeful! What a neat time period.

    I'm posting something for this party, too! :D

    1. Thanks, Olivia! I think "Hopeful" is going to be amazing to write -- I already love my protagonist a lot.

      I'll be reading your entry later today!

  5. You know, I really like your idea of doing Western fairy tale retellings--that's something I could probably never do myself; but it suits you just beautifully! And I'm SO EXCITED about "Hopeful"; the Exoduster story is an incredibly cool piece of history and I can't wait to see what you do with it!!!

    1. Thanks, Jessica! It's an idea I've had for years now, but it took that Five Magic Spindles contest to make me decide to actually try one. Now I'm kinda addicted, lol.

      I hope "Hopeful" can live up to your expectations!

  6. I think Pinterest boards for books-in-progress are a great idea.

    1. Rosie, I find them a fun way to refresh my brain while not completely wasting time on the internet ;-) They give me a place to store information I might need, provide a visual shot of inspiration now and then, and are fun besides!

  7. I love both of these boards, but I'm especially intrigued about your Snow White retelling!

    1. Thanks, Hayden! I'm really looking forward to starting that one. Need to do more research yet, though, and focus on getting "Cloaked" out the door. But I'm hoping to start writing it this summer.

  8. And here is the notice about your ebook-to-come that I missed. Happiness! Those boards look great. :)

    1. Thanks, Kara! I'm digging into rewrites for "Cloaked" and feeling really good about where it's going.


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