
Saturday, February 18, 2017

I Love Austen Week -- Giveaway Winners

And now for the post we've all been waiting for!  The winners of the giveaways!

"Jane Austen Coloring Bookmarks" -- Kelly-Anne

Sticker set #1 -- Natalie

Sticker set #2 -- Aija

Sticker set #3 -- Jessica Prescott

Sticker set #4 -- Rosie McCann

Austen ladies bookmarks set 1 -- Kelsey Bryant

Austen ladies bookmarks set 2 -- John Smith

Letters from Pemberley and More Letters from Pemberley -- Molly Rebekah

Persuasion DVD -- Deborah O'Carroll

The Jane Austen Guide to Life -- Abby P.

Jane Austen's Little Advice Book -- Ashley Stangl

Jane Austen:  Her Complete Novels in One Sitting -- Kara

The Pursuit of Mary Bennet -- Lucy Reiss

Congratulations to all the winners!  Please check the email address you provided to the Rafflecopter widget because I am in the process of emailing you to request your mailing address.


  1. Ohhhhh, I won the sticker I wanted! I'm so happy! I really WOULD rather have nothing but tea, you know ;-)

    Congratulations, everyone! And thank you, Hamlette--that was so much fun!

    1. Congrats, Jessica! That sticker is adorable; I'm glad you won it! :D (I didn't know you were a tea enthusiast, too?? :D)

    2. Jessica, you're most welcome :-)

  2. Thank you, again, my friend! I'll look forward to getting my book soon! :)

    1. You're welcome, Kara! I plan to ship these off later this coming week.

  3. Wow, I won!! Thank you SO much, Hamlette. This was a lovely giveaway. :)

  4. Eep, I can't believe I won something! I'm so excited to watch Persuasion for the first time! :D Thanks so much, Hamlette! ^_^

    1. You're welcome, Deborah! I will send it off later this week -- I hope you enjoy it!

  5. Oh, thank you, thank you, Hamlette! What a delight to be the winner of the sweet colouring bookmarks...I am thrilled!
    I look forward to reading these lovely Austen posts over the next while... Thank you for being the wonderful host!

    1. You're quite welcome, Kelly-Anne. I hope you have lots of fun with the bookmarks! And reading the rest of the posts :-)

  6. This reminds me I'm desperately behind on responding to your last email! (yikes, a reply shall be forthcoming soon) Yes, I have now received my awesome little book and I love it! Thank you, my friend. :)

    1. I'm glad you got it, Kara! You're most welcome :-)

      And don't worry -- life gets busy, and I understand that. Mine is very busy right now, but will calm down after this weekend, whew.


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