
Sunday, February 05, 2017

Blog Events Coming Soon!

First off, don't forget that I Love Austen Week begins on Saturday!  THIS Saturday!  Getting really close, huh?  If you haven't signed up for the blogathon yet, or if you just want to see more details, read this post.  I have lots of fun planned besides the blogathon, like a blog tag you can fill out, some games, and a giveaway.

And then the next weekend, I'll be participating in the 90 Years of Sidney Poitier Blogathon hosted by The Wonderful World of Cinema.  I'm going to be reviewing the first movie I ever saw him in, Blackboard Jungle (1955).  Going to be great fun!


  1. Really looking forward to I Love Austen Week!! :-)

  2. Looking forward to the ja week, of course!! (Even though fully participating might not happen...)

    1. Naomi, I look forward to whatever level of participation you can manage :-) Even if you just read people's posts and stuff!

  3. Wow. I guess I've been out of it. I didn't realize you were hosting a Jane Austen week! Sounds lovely!!

    Also, I tagged you at my blog if you're interested.

    1. Thanks, Miss March! Definitely going to be a fun week :-) Hope you can drop by!

      Thanks for the nomination -- I'll check it out :-)

  4. Though I'm too late to whip up something for Austen Week, I'll enjoy reading all the posts, since I've been re-reading her novels and enjoying them even better than I initially did!

    (By the way, I'm trying to gauge interest in doing another edition of the Pinterest Storyboard Party I hosted a couple years ago, and I thought I'd mention it here (since I wasn't sure if you followed my new blog), as I remember you participated in the last one. Is it something you'd like to do again, and/or do you know any other writer-bloggers who might want to join?)

    1. Elisabeth, that'll be the funnest part for me too :-)

      I *thought* I was following your new blog, but it seems not. Off to fix that.


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