
Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Like This? Try These! #7

Eva asked me to come up with some suggestions for people who like the Indiana Jones movies, so here we go!

You probably know that the Indiana Jones movies were inspired by the serial adventure stories from the 1930s and '40s, stories told both on screen and in pulp magazines.  If you like their blend of rollicking adventures, historical settings, and a twist of sci-fi or the otherworldly, you might like any of these:

+ The Rocketeer (1991) -- In 1930s Hollywood, a pilot (Billy Campbell) finds a rocket pack and uses it to become a super hero, save the girl he likes (Jennifer Connelly), and defeat some Nazis.  It's based on a graphic novel.  (This one has non-gory violence, some low-cut dresses, suspense, and some mild cussing, as I recall -- I've only seen this twice, and that was several years ago.)

+ The Shadow (1994) -- In 1930s New York City, the wealthy, sophisticated man-about-town Lamont Cranston (Alec Baldwin) uses his mystical ability to cloud men's minds to fight evil and rescue the father (Ian McKellen) of his companion, the lovely Margo Lane (Penelope Ann Miller).  It's based on a radio show (one of my favorites) from the 1930s that also spawned a lot of pulp magazine stories.  (This one also has some revealing dresses, actiony violence that's mostly non-graphic, mild profanity, suspense, and some creepy stuff.  Also a shot of a man in bed with multiple women who are asleep.)

+ Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (2004) -- In 1930s New York City, a gutsy reporter (Gwyneth Paltrow) teams up with her ex-boyfriend, an adventurous pilot (Jude Law), to stop giant robots, rescue missing scientists, and generally save the world.  No idea what this is based on, sorry.  (This one has implied nudity in a non-sexual context, non-gory violence, a little mild profanity, and suspense.)

As always, I hope this helps you find some movies you might enjoy.  If you've seen other movies with this same flavor, I'd love to hear about them, because I really dig this style of retro fun.  And as always, let me know if you have any movies you'd like me to base recommendations off :-)


  1. If the Shadow fits in here, then The Phantom would too. It's set in the late 30's, deals with finding hidden artifacts that have great power, and trying to keep them out of the bad guys' hands.

    I'd probably put The Adventures of Tin-Tin in here as well, as it's an adventurous race to treasure the gainst bad guys, and with Spielberg and John Williams involved, that gives it even more of a Raiders flavor.

    If you want more classic movies, Valley of the Kings with Robert Taylor and Eleanor Powell fits the mold, if I recall, though it's been ages since I've seen it. But I remember liking it. :-D

    1. The Phantom would fit! I've only seen it once, so it didn't spring to mind. Ditto with Tin-Tin. I haven't seen Valley of the Kings, but I just looked it up -- Robert Pirosh! I know some people compare King Solomon's Mines to Indy too, but I've only read the book, not seen any movie versions.

  2. The Rocketeer looks like fun! Maybe I'll try it! :-)

    Oh, by the way--I watched "Avengers" for the first time yesterday and LOVED it. Wonderful film. And I also borrowed "Breakfast at Tiffany's" from the library and will hopefully watch it this weekend . . . I'm curious to see whether I'll like it or not :-)

    And I'm going (!) to see (!) "Rogue One" (!) tonight (!!!!!!!!!!!) I CAN'T WAIT!!!!

    1. Jessica, AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! You saw The Avengers!!!!!!!!!! Oh, how much I love that movie. It is just a jewelbox of perfect everythingness. I'm so glad you loved it.

      I'll be curious to hear what you think of Breakfast at Tiffany's.

      I was supposed to go see Rogue One this morning, but this blasted cold, plus an ice storm last night, negated my plan. Hoping to see it sometime in the next couple weeks, at least.

    2. I did!!!!! It was basically perfect--there was nothing I would've changed. I loved everything about it.

      Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Hamlette--I'm so sorry you didn't get to go!!!! PLEASE PLEASE GO SEE IT AS SOON AS YOU FEEL BETTER AND THE ICE MELTS. Seriously, you NEED to see this movie. It's one of the greatest Star Wars movies ever filmed. Period.

      And that's all I'm goin' to say 'bout THAT right now. ;-)

    3. Do you by chance have a favorite Avenger, or do you just love all of them because they're so perfectly wonderful? (I love all of them, but Thor the most.)

      Yeah, I'm hoping maybe that when my mom is here next week, she can watch the kids some evening so Cowboy and I can go see it together. Or something. The trouble is, our theater is part of a mall, so at Christmas, there's just no parking. The 9am showing today was basically my only hope, cuz the mall doesn't open until 10.

      But it will still be in theaters after Christmas, and I'll be able to see it somehow, either with Cowboy or without. I will.

    4. Favorite Avenger? Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm . . .

      Captain America will always and forever be my favorite Marvel superhero, I think--and thus, my favorite Avenger, too. I love how calm and steadfast he is; he doesn't change and he doesn't falter. You can RELY on him, and I love that :-) But I also really, really love Hawkeye, too; and I was surprised how much I was drawn to Black Widow--I didn't realize she was such a cool person!! Her relationship with Hawkeye is pretty much perfect, and I loved watching that.

      Hawkeye is really kind of amazing. After that very first shot of him perched up on the ledge, silently watching everything going on down below, I was hooked :-)

      I hope you can go soon!!!! It's so awesome.

    5. Cap is my second-favorite :-) Hawkeye is awesome, and I love how he and Black Widow can be best friends and no one assumes they're sleeping together. Black Widow is amazing too -- like I said, I love them all!

  3. Really (really) like The Rocketeer because I watched it as a kid, and have all sorts of "nostalgic" feelings about it. Also, once upon a time I wanted to see 'Sky Captain,' and have since forgotten about it. Guess I should remedy that in 2017. :) Really fun post!

    1. Rissi, I first saw The Rocketeer just a couple years ago, but it's so fun! I think you might just dig Sky Captain... :-)

  4. How did I miss this post?
    Wow, I need to try these. I am an Indiana Jones fan (sort of) and I have never heard of any of the others. They are going on my to-watch list!

    1. MC, I hope you can find them! They're all very fun :-)

  5. I really need to see an Indiana Jones movies. I think I'd love them. Also, I'd forgotten about the Sky Captain movie! I've only seen it once and that was ages ago. Maybe I need a rewatch someday...

    1. Kara, you do need to see an Indy movie! Raiders is the best, but Last Crusade is my favorite.

      Sky Captain is always more fun than I'd remembered. I should watch it again too, maybe review it.


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