
Thursday, August 04, 2016

I'm Going On An Adventure!

I'm NOT actually going on a Middle Earth-themed adventure, but it will be epic nonetheless.  I will tell you about it when I return, but for now... here's a picture I snapped with my camera phone about 45 minutes ago:

Catch you on the flip side!


  1. Replies
    1. BC (I know you have a real name, and I knew it at one time, but I have forgotten it. I apologize!), so far it's been fine, but the real fun will start in about 2 1/2 hours when my best friend arrives...

  2. Hoping you have a marvelous time and can't wait to hear all about it! :)

  3. Ooh!! Are you going to New Zealand? I can't wait to hear about your trip. Have lots of fun!

    1. Oh, whoops. I read that wrong. I missed the "NOT" in your introduction sentence. :P Silly me! Well, wherever you're going, I hope it's amazing!

    2. Natalie, I WISH! Actually, Cowboy and I have talked about going to NZ for like our 25th anniversary or something. That's only 11 years away...

      I'm tempted to leave clues here like every day and see who guesses first where I am.

    3. That would be an amazing 25th anniversary trip! :D

    4. And we have 11 years to plan it!

  4. Have a wonderful time!! I'm sure wherever you're going will be EPIC :-)

  5. AAAHHHH!! PLANES. Sounds exciting!

    1. And this is the first time I've flown *without a child* since I flew to California when 8 months pregnant with Sam! That was 9 years ago this month. I didn't fly quite that far this time, though.


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