
Wednesday, July 06, 2016

August Blogathon Alert

Next month, there are two cool blogathons I'll be participating in.  They overlap a little, but I'm not fussed.  I'll just have lots of new content here all of a sudden, right?

Up first is the Alfred Hitchcock Blogathon hosted by Eva at Coffee, Classics, and Craziness.  I'll for sure be contributing a list of my favorite ten Hitch films.  If I have time, I'll also contribute a movie review -- we'll see.  Go here to sign up for this event.  Eva only just announced this event two days ago, so there are plenty of titles available!

Beginning one day later, the Film Noir Blogathon will be hosted by The Midnite Drive-In.  I'm signed up to review two Alan Ladd films for that one, The Blue Dahlia (1946) and The Glass Key (1942).  If you want to join that event, you can do so here.

I'm very much looking forward to these two events, how about you?


  1. Thanks so much for promoting my blogathon. :) And I would enter the Film Noir one, only I haven't seen too many noirs and all the ones I *have* seen look to be taken. :P

    1. You're welcome! I have a feeling a few of my readers will be most interested indeed.

      Yeeeeeeeah, all the really famous noirs are taken. Oooh, have you seen Dana's Swamp Water? I consider that noir... but you're going to be busy hosting your own blogathon anyway.

  2. Am anticipating your entry in the film noir blogathon. I'm so overbooked for the first two weeks of August I should write some of them now...

    BTW, I nominated you for a Liebster Award. See my liebster award post for details.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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