
Friday, June 24, 2016

The Quotation Tag -- Day 3

The third and final day!  Once again, here are... The Rules:

Thank the person who nominated you 
Nominate 3 new bloggers every day 
Post a new quotation every day for 3 consecutive days
(Hey, I got them all done in a single week, at least!)

Here are the final three quotations about writing that I want to share:


(It's nice to know he had days like that too.) I'm doing this:

(That's my favorite reason for writing.  So I can read the story!)

L'Amour tells it like it is.:

(Yes!  Time to turn that faucet on.)

Today, I am nominating Eva at Coffee, Classics, and Craziness, Jamie at Through Two Blue Eyes, and Meredith at On Stories and Words.  Play if you want to!


  1. Hey there! I just nominated you for a Liebster award! :)

  2. Louis L'Amour is the best :-)

  3. So many good quotes! Thanks for sharing these, Hamlette. I'm going to have to copy these and keep them for future inspiration. :D

    1. Thanks, Miss March! I'm so glad you liked them too :-)

  4. Second one has got to be my favourite! It's SO true, and I've totally done that before! Or sometimes, when a book ends and I'm like " CAN'T end like that!" I just rewrite it and keep 'em all in a secret li'l notebook :P

    1. Haha! I have done that in my head for several books and movies. I have little headcanon redux all over the place :-) Just most of them aren't written down, but I like the idea of a secret notebook!

      I've also been known to take a story or movie that I really hated how it ended up and write a story with a similar set-up that fixes what I hated. A writer's gotta do what a writer's gotta do.


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