
Thursday, March 17, 2016

Blog Events This Spring

You've probably noticed the buttons for these two events in my sidebar already, but I want to quick post about them anyway.  There are two things coming up in April and May that I'm quite excited about!

First, throughout the entire month of April, I'm hosting a Poetry Month Celebration on my book blog, The Edge of the Precipice.  I'll be hosting a poetry give-away to kick things into gear, and I'll also provide a tag for bloggers to fill out if they so desire.  All through the month I'll be doing posts about my favorite poets and so on, but other bloggers can also join in, and I'll provide links to their posts as well.  Please go here for more info, the list of participants, and to sign up yourself.

Second, Carissa is hosting a Frank Langella Blogathon in May.  I'll be writing about Dave (1993), one of my favorite comedies.  Visit this page on her blog to sign up!


  1. Thanks for sharing my blogathon! :) It may turn into more of an "appreciation week" but I won't mind that.

    1. Carissa, hey, appreciation is good too, right? :-)

  2. Ohhhh--I love poetry! This will be fun :-)

    1. Jessica, that's great! Yes, I think it's going to be a good time.


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