
Tuesday, February 02, 2016

January Period Drama Challenge Tag

Every month during the Period Drama Challenge, Miss Laurie will post a recap of the month, with links to everyone's entries and some questions to answer.  January's recap is here, along with links to all the reviews people posted during the first month.  Go check them out, if you haven't already!

1. What period dramas did you view in January? 

Cinderella (1914), We're No Angels (1955), and The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938).

2. What is your favorite Charles Dickens film adaptation? 

Well, the awful truth is I haven't seen a whole lot of Dickens adaptations.  But I do love both The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992) and the Patrick Stewart version of A Christmas Carol (1999) enough to own copies of them.

3. Would you rather visit Pemberley (Mr. Darcy's residence) or Downton Abbey (Crawley family residence)? Why? 

Pemberley!  Because I really like Jane Austen's books, but I don't care much about Downton Abbey. 

4. If you could be any character in a Jane Austen novel for a whole day who would you be and why would you want to be that character? 

Could I pick which day?  Because being Anne Elliot the day after Captain Wentworth proposed would be amazing and triumphant and delicious.

5. What period dramas are you looking forward to viewing in February 2016?

I'm planning to watch Shane (1953) and the Frank Langella version of The Mark of Zorro (1974), both of which will be rewatches.  I'm also hoping to watch Belle (2013) for the first time.  Beyond that, who knows?

(Alan Ladd and Van Heflin in Shane)

By the way, it's not too late to join the Period Drama Challenge!  If you haven't yet, and would like to, just visit Miss Laurie's blog, Old-Fashioned Charm, and leave a comment saying you're in :-)


  1. Morning dear Hamlette! Missed stopping by...{{smiles}}. So lovely that you're participating. In Miss Laurie's tag...just discovered her truly delightfuly blog!
    Blessings n' love to you!

    1. Hello, Kelly-Anne! How're things on your side of the world? Isn't Miss Laurie's blog fun? I love her reviews, and how many she's done! Happy Wednesday :-)

  2. Pemberly v. Downton Abbey . . . that's a tough one. See, I don't like the "Downton Abbey" show either, BUT Downton Abbey is also Totleigh Towers from the "Jeeves and Wooster" TV show, and I would loooooooooooooove to go there. Because . . . y'know. Bertie Wooster.

    (I was really, really surprised when I found out they'd used the exact same building for both shows! Isn't that a weird thought?)

    I want to watch Belle this year, too, if I can. It sounds amazing, and the fact that it's based on a true story makes it really intriguing to me . . .

    1. Jessica, that IS kinda cool! Highclere Castle, right? My mom quite likes DA and so I know stuff about it and have seen 5 or 6 eps.

      Belle really does sound so cool -- I keep reading great reviews of it.

    2. I think that's the name, yep! It's amusing because when you see shots of the house on Downton it looks all solemn and stately, but when you see it on Jeeves and Wooster you always want to giggle because you just KNOW something ridiculous is going on inside :-)

    3. I've been trying to convince my mom to watch Jeeves & Wooster because she really liked House for a while, and I think she would be staggeringly amused to see Hugh Laurie in such a different role, but she keeps putting me off. NOW I have extra ammunition!

    4. Also tell her that if she watches it, she can hear Hugh Laurie sing "Forty-Seven Ginger-Headed Sailors" and that it's the funniest thing in the world. Ever.

    5. Jessica, I have seen that clip, and I find it completely hilarious!

  3. Love your answer to 4 - Anne Elliott is my favourite Austen character, or maybe Elinor Dashwood?! Too close to call! Look forward to reading your reviews for February.

    1. Thanks, Jayne! Anne Elliot is my favorite Austen character too :-)

      Working on my next review!

  4. That is indeed a bit of an awful truth about the Dickens adaptations! You're missing out!

    1. Birdie, I know. I just... I just am not a big Dickens fan to begin with. There. Now you know.

    2. But I DO own a copy of the version of Great Expectations that has Ioan Gruffudd in it! Planning to watch and review it during the PDC.

  5. Belle is a pretty period piece for sure. Also, visiting Pemberley would be epic! It's so gorgeous. :)

    1. Rissi, I still haven't had a chance to watch Belle yet, but I am sooooooo looking forward to it!


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