
Saturday, January 09, 2016

My Life's Ambition

I realized something as I was prepping for this blogathon.  I want to be a fairy godmother.

I'm not kidding.  I can see now that basically, Santa Claus and Cinderella's fairy godmother are my role models.

In fact, in the 2015 Cinderella movie, what part do I cry over the most?  What is my favorite scene?  The part with the fairy godmother.  What's my favorite line?  "You shall go to the ball."  I love that fairy godmother, in all her incarnations.  I love that she shows up and says, "Everyone else says you can't, but I say you can.  So you shall.  End of story.  Now go."

And once I realized that, I started thinking about just why I like the fairy godmother.  It's not just that she's kind and generous and helpful.  It's HOW she helps.  She doesn't do a love spell on the prince.  She doesn't give Cinderella a million dollars.  She doesn't solve Cinderella's problems.  She doesn't make all her wishes come true -- not at all.

She gives Cinderella tools.  In fact, she really only loans her those tools.  Dress, shoes, carriage -- none of those are going to do Cinderella any good if she sits and admires them until midnight.  Or if she goes for a joyride.  She has to use those tools -- Cinderella has to do the real work here.  She has to use her own talents and abilities.  The prince doesn't fall in love with her dress or her shoes.  In most versions he doesn't even see the carriage and horses and footmen.  Those are only tools to get Cinderella where she needs to be -- the rest is up to her.

You all know how addicted I am to hosting giveaways on my blogs.  It's because I love giving things to people.  I have a deep desire to make people happy, even if it's just for a few minutes.  I want to share joy.  I also love finding just the right Christmas and birthday presents for people.  But I've realized that I'm very specific in the kinds of things I like giving away best.  I like giving books.  Crafting supplies.  Handmade gifts.  Food.  I don't like giving gift cards or money -- I want to give gifts that are not only meaningful and fun, but useful.  Keychains.  Mugs.  CDs.  Things you can use over and over, learn from, make something with.


So, yes, I want to be a fairy godmother.  And I think I'm well on my way.  In fact, before I even had this realization, I bought myself a magic wand on a whim -- I guess subconsciously I already knew this is what I'm going to be when I grow up.


  1. I agree, of course. That's why you're an "isfj" personality. Also such a supportive and loving mother.

    1. Hee! Yes, I'm betting a sizeable number of fairy godmothers are ISFJs...

  2. Okay. I think I'm about. to. crash. from swirling emotions. Possibly. At least, I was going to, but your happy post here is totally brightening my general life outlook. Me loves it. ;) Thank you, friend!!!!!

    (P.S. Did you want this one added on the link-up post? I wasn't sure... :))

    1. Heidi, awwwww. One of those sorts of days, huh? I'm glad this post provided some light for you :-)

      If you want to add it to the list, I'm fine with that. And if you don't think it fits, I'm fine with that too. I wasn't sure either! It's introspective, not exactly like my other party posts, so... I leave it up to you.

  3. Hey! This thought had never passed my mind. I always imagined her and Santa as someone who can grant my wishes. I understand now. I have to use the tools wisely to make my dream come true.. Thanks! :)

    1. Ria, I think Santa is a bit more about the wish-fulfillment, giving gifts we might not otherwise get, not quite so much about the tools. But both have that Undeserved, Surprise Gifts angle going on. Anyway, glad you dug it :-)

  4. Good for you, Hamlette!!! A fairy godmother is a wonderful thing to want to be--and I do think you are a lot like one :-)

    And I agree, it is a very "ISFJ" thing to be. Which is cool :-)

  5. I love this post. :) And from being on the receiving end of your 'fairy godmother-ness' enough times, I heartily agree that you're well on your way. :)


    1. Eva, it was actually my comment to you about Christmas movies that sparked this particular Aha! Moment. Hee!

  6. Oh, what a nice occupation! Fairy godmother would be a wonderful role! :D

    Thank you for sharing, Hamlette! I think you will be a darling fairy godmother ;)

    1. Blessing Counter, thank you! I'm having a good deal of fun with this idea :-)

  7. Ohhhhhhhh! Hamlette, this is BEAUTIFUL. Seriously--I love that you have such a giving heart (and not just 'cuz it means we get all these fabulous giveaways, heehee). Your giveaways certainly do always make me happy: even if you don't win anything, it's just fun to participate, and you always choose such excellent prizes. Thank you again, for the giveaways and for the post! :)

  8. I haven't thought about it like that before, but how true! That's precisely what the fairy godmother does, gives tools. And that's exactly how God works with us as well! What a great parallel. :)

    1. Kara, yes -- I've been contemplating a follow-up to this about how "every good and perfect gift is from above," but I haven't gotten there yet.

  9. I love this! At first, I was thinking, "What is she talking about?" but your explanation made complete since. And I know what you mean about wanting to find the perfect gifts and such. I'm looking all year long for the perfect things for other people. Giving is even more fun than getting!

    1. Oh, and what does your wand look like?

    2. Hannah, yes, when I told my mom I'd decided to be a fairy godmother, she was kind of flummoxed too. Hee!

      My wand is the one from the 2015 Cinderella, so it looks like this.

    3. Oh my gosh! *sense
      I just noticed that; I'm so embarrassed now. :)

      And how pretty! I've seen some tutorials on Pinterest for making your own Harry Potter-style wands, which I've been meaning to try. Maybe this Spring! That's a good season for magic!

    4. I've seen those tutorials too! Got one pinned for one my kids are a bit older and become HP fans :-D


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