
Monday, December 07, 2015

Celebrate 2016 with a Cinderella Party!

Today, Heidi has announced that she will be hosting a Cinderella blog party and blogathon beginning January 4!  Read her official announcement here, where you can grab spiffy blog buttons and sign up for the blogathon, etc.  I plan to review the 1914 silent film Cinderella that stars Mary Pickford, and I'm going to be hosting a giveaway too :-D  Very exciting, eh?


  1. I'm so happy! I love Cinderella! Three cheers for Heidi, what? ;)

    She even has Persuasion on her list! Isn't that awesome?

    1. I know! Such a great idea for a party. I'm merrily finding all sorts of cute little things for the giveaway :-D And I love that she has Persuasion included!

  2. I can't wait! I reviewed the new movie within hours of returning from the theater, I loved it so much!

    1. Ivy Miranda, it's just sooooo good, isn't it? I think I've seen it six times now :-) My daughters love it too!

  3. YOU WILL BE REVIEWING A SILENT FILM. YOU ARE EXCELLENT. (I love silent film. Though I've hardly taken the time to watch any yet. I love it in concept. I have a Chaplin film on hold at the library. That counts!) :)

    1. Jillian, thanks! I really like silent films (especially those starring a certain guy named Rudolph Valentino), so I'm looking forward to it!

      Chaplin is great fun too :-)

  4. I can't wait to read your review. That film really peaked my interest the most, so I'm glad someone's doing a review on it. :)

    1. Thanks, Ekaterina! I'm really looking forward to sitting down and watching it -- it's my carrot for finishing up the story I'm working on :-)

  5. Replies
    1. Olivia G. N -- so true! I get to draw the winners tomorrow :-D


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