
Thursday, November 12, 2015

I'll Be Joining the Pinterest Storyboard Party -- Will You?

Elisabeth Grace Foley has announced on her blog, The Second Sentence, that she is going to hold a Pinterest Storyboard Party next Thursday, November 19.  One week from today!  I'll for sure be sharing my board for "The Rose-Covered Cottage," the story I'm submitting to the Five Magic Spindles contest.  It's changed a little since I previously shared it, which I'll talk about next week.

I might also share the board I'm making for a story/novella/novel that has landed in my brain and gelled over the last couple of weeks.  I know I've made a poor showing in NaNoWriMo this year -- I had great intentions of writing at least 25,000 words and doing a half-Nano with a novel I've had in my head for two years, Son of a Gunfighter.  But then I frittered away my evenings at my parents' house by watching episodes of The Man from U.N.C.L.E. with my mom, got ambushed by this new story idea, and have had to spend my writing time doing edits on "The Rose-Covered Cabin" since it has an actual deadline.  Sorry, Nano!  Next year.

Anyway, again, details on the Pinterest Story Party are here.  If you're a writer and make storyboards on Pinterest, I hope you join the fun!


  1. I'm a bit fascinated to see what people post for this cuz this isn't something I do for myself and my stories.

    1. Does this mean you've joined Pinterest?

      I'll be posting more about this next week, but for a long time I thought it was kind of a waste of time. However, I've discovered it's quite fun, though I tend to do it more after-the-than while writing. I like how they remind me of the things I liked about a story :-) I've made one for FC too, just for fun!

    2. No, haven't joined. Don't know what I'd do with it. Seems to be all pictures and I'm not a picture person. But I will check out the various posts to see what other people get inspired by!

      But since I'm not a member, I might have trouble viewing stuff. We'll see!

    3. There's lots of recipes and household helpful stuff too -- it's like a place to save links and organize them.

      As not-a-member, you won't get to view the boards, I don't think, but you'll still be able to see the little widgets that show up in the blog posts.

    4. Hm, apparently I did make an account so I could see your stuff awhile back when I got frustrated with it not letting me view things. I just tried going to the generic pinterest page to see if I could see it, and it shows me as logged in.

      You might have to show me what to do with it when I visit, cuz I can't figure out how to navigate or find things...

    5. Aha! I see you're following me now. I followed you back just in case you decide to make a recipe board or something. We can definitely pore over stuff when you're here -- I had to get my mom to show me how it worked, too, cuz at first it was like Tumblr and my brain didn't figure it out.

  2. Sounds like fun! I'm not actually on Pinterest, although I don't know why I shouldn't be, since I love pictures. Like, LOVE them. Maybe I'll do that over Christmas break. (No time right now, unfortunately ;) )

    1. Jessica, Pinterest is great fun and a neat tool... and can be a huge timewaster. Use sparingly, if you do decide to get into it!

    2. Ha! Yes, I will ;) I might not even do it at all, for that reason . . . I just don't have lots of time right now. Even when I'm on break, I have stuff to do. Life of a college senior, I guess :)

  3. I'm excited to see your board!


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