
Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween from the Femnista crew!

Our Halloween issue this year focuses on villainesses, and long before I knew I would be hosting the Hamlet read-along  on my other blog this October, I signed up to write about Gertrude and how she can be viewed or portrayed as a villainess.  No surprises there, huh?

My article is titled "Femme Fatale or Feminine Fatality:  Gertrude in Hamlet," and you can read the issue online here or download it as a pdf here.

Happy Halloween!  I'll be getting supper ready early for my little mice, and then into our costumes and off to trick-or-treating we go!  And yeah, I'm wearing a costume too this year.  I'm going as Illya Kuryakin!  Kind of melding that classic turtle-neck under a sport coat look from the TV show with the wonderful Armie Hammer version from the movie.  So imagine a combo of these two looks:

Um, yes.  I'll post pics if I get any good ones!


  1. Have fun!! I just went trick-or-treating with my siblings and my mom. We had a good time--I dressed as a Polish immigrant at Ellis Island. I happen to look pretty Polish already, so I was like, "why not?" I think it turned out well :)

    1. What an interesting costume! Did anyone figure out what you were? I have a tendency to wear these inscrutable costumes that please me greatly but are incomprehensible to passersby. Though that might be because I tend to dress as male characters from semi-obscure things, lol.

    2. Well, yes and no. You see, I wore it first to the Historical Costume Contest at my university, and there a few people figured out what I was (or at least came close). Probably because well, you know, they're historians and they know about those things :) But then I wore it trick-or-treating in the neighborhood and NOBODY knew what I was. Even after I explained it, they still didn't seem to understand. *sigh* But hey, at least I had fun! And I was really pleased with the way it turned out--it was actually slightly scary, how much I ended up looking like the old photos of my great- or great-great- grandparents :)

    3. Aha! That's cool that your school had such a contest. My college just had a Halloween Dance every year with a prize or two for costumes, but I never even hoped to win those.


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