
Friday, September 11, 2015

Upcoming Blog Events

Just a quick heads-up for everyone here about some stuff happening soon on my other blog, The Edge of the Precipice, and also on a friend's blog.  Just in case you want to join us :-)

First, in just 11 days, my annual Tolkien blog party will begin.  As usual, lots of games, giveaways, and other good stuff will be involved.  Go here to learn more.

Then, beginning October 1, I'll be hosting a read-along of my beloved Shakespeare play, Hamlet, Prince of Denmark.  We'll be reading and discussing it at a nice, steady pace of one scene every 2 or 3 days.

Finally, Birdie of Lady of the Manor is hosting a watch-along of the BBC's 1998 Far from the Madding Crowd adaptation, and I'm planning to join that.  More info on that here.

Lots to look forward to this fall!


  1. Hi, I'm visiting from Anne's Show-and-Tell because I liked your story. It's one of the ones I want to read. I love the setting and your premise is fascinating. I hope it wins so I can see how it all ties together!!!

    1. Hello! Thanks for the encouragement :-) I've actually been thinking about rewriting fairy tales as westerns for a while, so I think even if I don't win the contest with this story, perhaps I'll write up a few more and put them out as a collection somehow. We shall see!

  2. I would like to do the Hamlet read-along as I haven't read Shakespeare and I want to give him a try.

    1. Robert, how exciting! Your first Shakespeare? So cool. I hope you can join us :-)

  3. Thanks for the shout-out Hamlette!


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