
Thursday, August 06, 2015

How to Use Italics, Bold, and Link Text in Blogger Comments

If you're wondering why I've mysteriously disappeared from the internet, and haven't posted my analytical thoughts about 3:10 to Yuma the way I promised, well... we're having VBS (Vacation Bible School) at our church this week, and for 3 hours a morning, I'm in charge of teaching and leading 4 preschoolers... and when I arrive home, I fall onto the couch and nap for about an hour (except today, when I fell onto the couch and watched Frozen with my girls), and then I'm still brain-fried for the rest of the day.

So I'm going to do an informational post quick -- info I've shared repeatedly with individual bloggers over the last couple years.  Namely, an explanation of how to write in italics and bold in comments on blogs hosted by Blogger (and some others, but not all comment hosting programs accept simple html code like this).

My thanks to my brother-in-law Noumenon, who taught me to do this a few years ago.

If you want to do italics, you type < i >Movie Title< /i > and it shows up as Movie Title -- but you have to remove the spaces between things inside the < > symbols -- I have to put them there so they show the text for you and don't just turn my words into italics.

Bold is basically the same:  < b >Excited Words!< /b > becomes Excited Words! when you remove the spaces between the stuff inside the < > symbols.

Linking text is a wee bit more complex, but not much.  To do it, you type < a href="URL of whatever you're linking to" >Read My Blog!< /a > and it becomes Read My Blog! when you remove the extra spaces EXCEPT that you MUST keep a space between the a and the href or it won't work.

So, if you've ever wondered how to italicize, embolden, or link things in the comments you leave on people's blogs, now you know!  (EDIT:  And now I've added images to make it clearer -- you can just save those on your computer or print them out for a handy reminder if you want to.)


  1. Huh! I had wondered how you managed all that -- since me, with all I know about computers (which would fit into a teaspoon) could never figure it out. Good to know. :-D

    Oooh, and have fun with VBS! 4 preschoolers for 3 hours a, good for you. ;-P

    1. You're welcome! And yeah... today is the last day of VBS, and I told Cowboy I'm gonna need a foot rub, a back rub, and a movie tonight.

  2. Ohhhh! NOW I know how you do that! Thanks for telling me! :-)

  3. Hey, let me try it out - < i > Thanks < /i > < b > for telling me! < /b >


    1. Oops. It didn't work with me.

    2. Take out the spaces between the < and the i and the > -- I have to put them in there so you can see the < > signs in my post, but you have to take them out to make it work. Hmm... maybe I'll try screencapping some written-out html so you can see how it's supposed to look, and adding that to this post. Later, though -- gotta get the kids up and ready for VBS.

    3. Okay, I understand. :-) Thanks for telling me!

      Let me publish this and see if it works now. :-)

    4. Yup, it did. Oh, it's so cool! Thanks for teaching us!

    5. Yay for Naomi!!! You've got it :-)

  4. Replies
    1. You gotta take the spaces out!!! Sigh -- clearly, my brain-fried-ness prevented me from explaining this clearly enough. I will add more explanation later today or tomorrow, okay?

    2. Miss Evelyn, I've added images to make it clearer -- I hope that helps!

  5. Thank you! I've always wondered how to do this! :) Hopefully that worked....we'll see!

  6. I tagged you on my blog, Hamlette, and I shall now attempt to link to it by following your instructions... right here.

    1. Cool beans! I like that meme -- thanks for the tag, Sarah!

  7. Okay, so I'm gonna try this too: Call me Ishmael
    Did it work?

    1. Hey! IT REALLY WORKS!
      Thanks so much!

    2. You're welcome, Jessica! Glad to share the knowledge :-)

  8. Yay! Great job of explaining:D

  9. This is awesome! Thank you so much Hamlette!!!

    1. You're welcome, MC! Always happy to share my knowledge ;-)


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