
Thursday, June 11, 2015

The Not-Your-Average Disney Tag

Look what Olivia tagged me with!  You know my love of a) movies and b) tags, so you know there's no way I'd turn this down :-D  Thanks, Olivia!

I'm going to do two answers for most questions, one for animated and one for live-action, because I can because I love too many Disney movies not to.

#1: Favorite Disney movie of all time? 

Animated:  Robin Hood (1973) It's been my favorite animated movie since I was younger than Skippy.

Live-Action:  The Lone Ranger (2013)  I've gone on and on about how much I love this movie.  I won't go into details here.

#2: Favorite Disney character?

Animated:  Robin Hood

Live-Action:  John Reid/The Lone Ranger

(You see, I love stories because I love the characters, so it's just about a given that my favorite movies are going to involve my favorite characters.)

 #3: First Disney movie seen in cinemas?

Animated:  Toy Story 2 (1999), which I saw with my best friend during our college's Thanksgiving break, which I spent at her house.  We went and saw this together at a little theater, and it was such fun.

Live-Action:  Return to Snowy River (1988), which was a devastating disappointment.  It's a sequel to my favorite movie of all time, The Man from Snowy River, but I felt like they kind of removed all the things I liked and added silly things like... jousting?  And a fencing match?  In Australia?  How does that make sense?  Also Brian Dennehy replaced Kirk Douglas as Mr. Harrison, and he's too sinister.  And they gave Jim Craig (Tom Burlinson) curly hair and a different hat.  It was altogether displeasing.  Bad Disney!  Why did you buy the rights to the sequel to my movie and ruin it?  :-(

#4: What Disney item do you collect the most?

Other than DVDs?  I have a ton of Lone Ranger merch.  Mugs, journal, pens, Lego sets, the junior novelization, the soundtrack, an enormous and magnificent book all about making it...

#5: What is your favorite Disney song?

Animated:  "When Will My Life Begin?" from Tangled (2010)

Live-Action:  "Let's Get Together" from The Parent Trap (1961)

#6: Which Disney voice actor would you most like to meet?

Zachary Levi, who voiced Eugene/Flynn Rider in Tangled (2010).  First of all, Zachary Levi played Fandral in Thor:  The Dark World (2013), so if I met him, he might be somewhere near, say, the set for Thor:  Ragnarok, which means... Chris Hemsworth might be around.

Also, I really love Eugene, so hey, that on its own would make it fun.  But then, while searching for a photo to include with this post, I discovered this:

Whoa.  Now I'm an actual fan of him and not just characters he's played.  That's supremely awesome.

#7: Favorite Disney movie that is not a classic?

Animated:  Tangled (2010)

Live-Action:  The Three Musketeers (1993), just to not say The Lone Ranger again.  It's completely delicious and so funny.  Just a good romp, really!  Plus... Chris O'Donnell.  Mmm mmm mmm.

 #8: Flounder, Sebastian, or Scuttle?

Truth is, The Little Mermaid is one of my least favorite Disney movies.  So... I don't really have a favorite?  Is Sebastian the crabby lobster?  He was funny.

#9: Saddest moment in a Disney movie?

Animated:  The song "When Somebody Loved Me" in Toy Story 2.  It's so sad, I tend to fast-forward through that part.  Growing up is my least favorite thing ever.  I hate it more than spiders and potatoes.

Live-Action:  Ella learning of her father's death in Cinderella (2015).  She was at least a little prepared for her mother's death, but her father's was a total shock, and wow, I cried a lot there.  Can't find any photos of it online, though, so here's one of her and her father when they're happy.

 #10: Which Disney princess has the best sidekicks?

Animated:  Jasmine in Aladdin (1992).  I've always wanted a pet tiger like Rajah!

Live-Action:  Ella in Cinderella -- love those mice!  Have I ever mentioned that my three kids insist they are mice?

Bonus question: Of the lesser known Disney movies, what one would you recommend?

Animated:  The Aristocats (1970) is a sweet movie, kind of the cat-person answer to 101 Dalmations (1961), I suppose.  I prefer the latter, but the former is not as scary, and the scat-cats are super fun.

Live-Action:  The Light in the Forest (1958) is a really cool look at frontier life, and the struggles of a white boy who was raised by Indians, then reclaimed by his white family.  Lovely performance from James MacArthur in particular.

I tag... DKoren.  And anyone else who loves Disney and wants to play!


  1. Haha. Chris O'Donnell with long curly hair. That's hilarious.

    Hmm, I heard from someone else that Return to Snowy River was good, but if you say it's not, I think I'd probably agree with you. ;-) I tend to be prejudice toward sequels of my favorite movies, especially when they're made by different people, the actors are different, and all that. Eww, Brian Denehy could not replace Kirk Douglas! He's so good at playing bad guys.

    That song in Toy Story 2 is so saaaad!!!! I hate growing up to. That's why I'm refusing to do it. ;-P


    1. Hey, I had a HUGE crush on Chris O'Donnell as a teen. Whether he had long curly hair as D'Artagnan or shortshortshort hair as Robin.

      I know some people quite enjoy Return to Snowy River. I watched it twice and just... no.

      I refused to grow up too. In fact, I refer to myself as an adult, not a grown-up. Grown-up-ism is a state of mind, adultness is a state of body.

    2. I still have a crush on him from the Kit Kittredge movie. :-) Best dad ever.

    3. He is completely awesome as a dad. Probably because he really is a dad! He's been married since 1997, and has 5 kids. Good Catholic boy, actually.

    4. I love it when I hear of actors being married (and still married!) and having kids. :-) Did you know that James Read married Wendy Kilbourne (Constance Hazard in North and South) after they acted together in the series, and they're still married?

  2. Yeah, just because we're adults doesn't mean we have to stop enjoying all the things that kids like :)

    And even though people will laugh at us NOW, in fifty years or so, when we're still happy and "young-at-heart" and good at making friends with people of all ages, they'll be like, "how did you do that?"

    1. Jessica, have you ever heard the song "Young at Heart"? If not, look it up, or the lyrics. I think you'll like it.

    2. Just looked up the lyrics. Awesomeness sauce :)

  3. Okay, I so almost want to do this myself (except I have another grand idea I might mention soon ;)) AND so many of our answers would be similar. ;P I also don't know how I'd ever narrow down my selections -- I love SO many so tremendously!

    But. Lone Ranger. I need to look into this. (*cough, cough* do you realize you just added something else to that yea high TBW pile of mine? ;))

    And I really don't know anything about the voice actors for the animated films, but I would have said Flynn, too (just because).... and then that Zachary Levi quote! Wow.

    1. Hee. Well, it's not going anywhere, Heidi. And yes, this took me weeks to do because it was so hard to decide.

      Okay, so Lone Ranger. It's weird. It's presented as a legend or myth, and there are random, odd, mystical things in it. And an outlaw who likes to wear women's clothes -- I could so do without him. And the main bad guy is disgusting. There are ladies of the evening, though no mention is really made of what they do. In other words, don't watch it with little kids around! And yet, for all it's abject weirdness, I do love it dearly. (But you knew that. John Reid is so much me if I was a guy and in that situation, it's kind of hilarious and freaky at the same time.)

      I was starting to google for "Zachary Levi Chris Hemsworth" cuz I wanted a picture of Fandral and Thor together for this post, but Google suggested "Zachary Levi Christian" and I was like, "Wait, what?" And that's one of the things I found. So cool!

  4. It's been years since I watched Disney's "Musketeers" movie, but I love it. It's funny to think of Chris in that considering he's on TV in NCIS, LA now, these many years later. Still a great actor. :)

    1. It's just such a swashbuckly romp, isn't it? I just picked up the DVD recently because I think my kids will love it soon.

      I wish I had time to watch more TV shows, because I would love to watch more than the occasional ep of NCIS: LA. Chris O'D is still such fun, and I like Linda Hunt so much too.

  5. Yay! Thanks for doing it:D

    "Since I was younger than Skippy..." XD Robin Hood is great! Definitely one of my favorites:)

    Okay, that quote from Zachary Levi!!!!!!!! That made me very happy.

    1. Skippy turns 7 in that birthday scene, and I can remember being so excited that I was gonna be the same age as Skippy, so I know I was younger than him when I first saw it :-)

      That Zachary Levi quote just made my day too!


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