
Monday, May 18, 2015

MEMM Day 27 - Favorite end song

Obviously, "The Last Goodbye" from TBOTFA.  Nothing can compare.

And since I'm pretty sure you've heard the Billy Boyd version already, today I'm sharing Peter Hollens' splendid a capella version, which you've probably heard too, but just in case, why not?

My second-favorite ending song is "Into the West."  I have the sheet music for it, and I love playing and singing it.  The refrain in particular touches a melancholy-yet-contented chord in me.  Since I shared the Peter Hollens version of "The Last Goodbye," here's his version of "Into the West" too.

And actually, the first Peter Hollens video I ever watched was his rendition of "The Misty Mountains."  So I'm going to share it too.  Because I can.


  1. I'm happy to see that I'm not the only person who enjoys Peter Hollens music. :) He does a fantastic job with all of these songs.

    1. I'm continually amazed by the talent and creativity of people like Peter Hollens and Lindsey Stirling and the Piano Guys.

    2. I love Lindsey Stirling and the Piano Guys as well. They are some of my favorite artists and are extremely talented and unique. :)

    3. Not surprised you like them too! They do have kind of similar styles.

  2. "The Last Goodbye" is so beautiful . . . I think J.R.R. Tolkein would have been very proud. It fits perfectly with the story of "The Hobbit."

  3. The Last Goodbye is my favorite end song every! And I love Peter Hollens too! Have you heard his latest LOTR cover, In Dreams?

    1. Oooh, nope, haven't heard his "In Dreams" yet. Thanks! I'll have to watch it.


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