
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

MEMM Day 22 - Costume you most want to wear

I'd really like to know what Galadriel's costume from FOTR feels like.  I wouldn't want to wear it all the time, as I want my jeans with pockets, but I'd like to wear it once just to know how heavy it is, what the fabric is like, etc.  It looks heavy and cool and smooth, but is it?  It might be itchy, and then I'd hate it.

But to wear on a daily basis in real life, I would like to have Bard's coat.  I love coats, especially long ones, and a long leather coat?  I would wear that all the time.  I actually found one on Etsy when TBOTFA first came out, and if it hadn't been several hundred dollars more than I felt comfortable spending on a piece of clothing, I would have bought it.


  1. I guess you don't want these hairy hobbit feet I bought you then.

    1. Hee! If they were sandals to wear outside that looked like hairy hobbit feet, I would wear them. If they were warm slippers for wearing indoors, I wouldn't.

  2. Galadriel's dress would make a beautiful wedding gown!


  3. That lovely long leather jacket! But of course! Meant to ask you... what do you think of his blue replacement coat in BotFA?

    Very cool that you want to sample Galadriel's dress. :-D

    1. I do like his blue coat. It suits him, and befits his newly elevated station. But I like the leather better.

  4. Replies
    1. Warm and soft and supple. Just what a good coat should be!

  5. Ditto to what Jamie said. I would totally want to wear a wedding dress like that. I can't imagine it being uncomfortable from how flowey and gorgeous it is. XD And as for Bard's coat... That is awesome! It would look great with a good pair of jeans and leather boots. (-:

    1. My only fear is that something with that much embroidery on it might be scratchy or itchy, and I can't abide scratchy and itchy. But I'm sure it has something delightful between you and the embroidered layer that makes it all fine.

      I would so wear Bard's coat. With jeans, cuz I always wear jeans, and I'd probably need to find some good boots too, you're right.

  6. The white dress Eowyn is wearing when we first meet her. Hands down. Galadriel's dress would probably be very similar to that though.

    Bard's coat would actually be very cool worn with modern clothes!

    1. Eowyn's white dress is #1 on my list of favorite costumes for this, and I think I could make something that looks relatively like it.

      Bard's coat would just be cool No Matter What.

  7. One of my friends actually made a replica Galadriel dress for when we went cosplaying to the TBOTFA premiere;)

    That is a pretty nice coat...but I have to say, I think I prefer the replacement blue one DKoren mentioned:)

    1. Awesome! I've never cosplayed to a movie premiere, though when we saw FOTR the first time, a couple of my friends wore renaissance faire costumes. I do often wear some t-shirt or other that relates to the movie I'm seeing. For instance, will be all decked out in my Thor shirt for Age of Ultron :-D

      The blue coat is nice too, but I wouldn't wear it myself, I don't think. It looks less comfy. And blue is not as nice a color on me as brown.


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