
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

MEMM Day 19 - A location you never want to visit

Mirkwood.  The place creeps me out So Very Much.  The sleepiness thing, the inability to think straight, and the giant spiders.  I actually don't know what those giant spiders truly look like because I always cover my eyes and cower in terror until Legolas shows up and I know it's safe again.

I am never going in there.


  1. Midgewater Marshes or the Dead Marshes. I hate little biting insects and it's nearly impossible to fight against something that is more of a spiritual thing than physical like in the Dead Marshes. Spiders I can kill, even though they are quite yucky. I would have liked to see Mirkwood when it was still the Greenwood, though. That would have been lovely.

    1. Yeah, the marshes are pretty awful too. "What do they eat when they can't get Hobbit?"

  2. Hee. I wondered if this might not be your answer!

  3. I do the same thing when I get to that part of the movie! I actually don't even know how Legolas makes his entrance, because I don't uncover my eyes until I know the spiders are gone! (Even though Legolas is my favorite character in both LOTR and the Hobbit.) Spiders are absolutely the most dreadful things ever!

    1. ConnieR, yeah, I've got no idea how he gets there. He arrives and that's all that matters. Hee!


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